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Posts for Thursday, July 24, 2008 (item)

Things Are MUCH Better Part Three by Dani

Posted at 12:14 PM
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G shuffled and started to talk a couple of times. I knew what was coming and I was trying to decide what to do.
Before G worked up her courage I told them Adam was telling the truth last night. Every one of my immediate family and friends were nudists but we only practiced at home – we did not belong to some nutty group or colony.

Yes Adam was my boyfriend but I have fucked every guy they have seen at the cabin or on the boat except for Stubby but I had seen his cock. Most of the guys have fucked me in every hole.

I sometimes do more then one at a time. Yes Adam knows this. I told them about Moms and the agreement they made with Pops.

I told them about Pops and my war and subsequent relationship. Yes, Moms knows everything that goes on.

Yes I am bisexual and I find them both attractive but they have nothing to fear sexually. I heard them both sigh but I think one was a relief sign and the other was a frustrated sigh – how can I tell? – I’ve heard them before.

Questions? G asked how she could join – Fire wanted to know how I knew I was bisexual.

Then our security chief walked in and ruined the moment. The ladies running security had decided to work for me and were going to trade off the top job every three months.

They also agreed to provide us with help and guards at other buildings if needed. They asked if I would consider helping them start their own company. Pops suggested I talk to the lawyer – he is still mulling it.

Anyway they had caught another person trying to get into the apartments and the cops had arrested him.

She wondered if we had seen the garage lately so we grabbed our phones and G grabbed her new computer and we went down.

The guard showed us a new way in from the lobby and we were amazed to see two or three guys sweeping the place out. It was completely empty – all the stuff was gone.

The old tenant/my new tenant and the contractor were talking about the ramp leaning to the second floor. They had plans of how to lay out the parking and I was surprised to see how many cars they thought it would hold.

They were trying to figure out a way to do it without tearing out the apartments which were in good shape. I told them to rip it out and I’d like an entrance from the back end.

When I explained why they tore up their drawings and called for a wrecking crew and as I walked away I heard my man calling for permits.

Yep, things were back on track. Then Denny called – Annie is having surgery at 11 am – her parents are on the way, I told him I would be there. I called Pops and he said he and Captain would make it.

I called William but told him he did not need to sit at the hospital all day - just stop and say hi. He told me Jeni had already set every thing up.

Lisa said she was bringing Stubby in for blood tests and they would stop and say hi. Stubby was using her wheelchair and crutch.

So I know what I am doing for a few hours – I hate hospitals.

Fire and me made sure all our titty fires are under control and I gave her a few other things to check on.

She said she had a friend stopping by after lunch and she was going furniture shopping with my money. I had forgot all about it.

I asked if there was anything else and she apologized for embarrassing me in front of G. I asked what she meant.

Then I smiled and asked if she would like to try a test. She said maybe. I showed her my tits and rubbed my nipples.

I asked if that made her wet. She nodded. Then I gently rubbed her tits and put my hand behind her neck and kissed her. She hesitated and then kissed me back and then kissed my tits and sucked on my nipples.

I told her she better stop now or I would not let her stop. She passed her hand over my ass and between my legs and licked her lips.

I pushed her away and covered up. I told her to have G ‘fix’ her problem when she got back – I had to go see my friend.

She smiled and said WOW. And I was gone.

Annie just went into the operating suite. She was in a good mood – a nice looking guy was helping her prep and when he told her he would get a nurse in to shave her – she asked what had to be shaved and he indicated it all – she smiled at Summer and pulled the sheet and gown away.

Summer had shaved her last night head to toe. Summer grabbed the guys hand and put it between her legs to see if it was close enough.

The guy was really cool about it – he rubbed her slit all over and said it was good but how about the backside – he rolled Annie over and spread her ass apart – he told Summer she need a good job and smacked her on the butt – Annie was pouting as they wheeled her in.

I told her not to worry – once she was out I am sure he would take care of himself with her ass. She liked that.

So here I wait – worried and wondering. I hate waiting. I’ve called Fire twice – nothing new.

Pops told the doctor to put in a quick disconnect – that leg always gets in the way when he was trying to get in her pants.

Stubby is still laughing over that. Denny is going nuts – his parents got held up by a wreck – they were not in it – just came up on it.

I think I’ll take a nap – that ought to be fun. Later.

0 Bitches:

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