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Posts for Wednesday, July 23, 2008 (item)

Dani Update #2 7/23/2008 by Dani

Posted at 10:15 AM
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Fire came in and said she had returned all calls to the police. The motorcycle turned out to be not stolen – it had been found and sold but the title was never transferred. Nothing else had come back stolen.
We could continue our inventory and just call if something else comes up. Great news. I called Pops - he and Captain will be here later.

They had found and talked to all people who lived in the apartments and informed them they had been evicted – they paid the head man $500 a month rent. I called the lawyer and asked him to handle it and get my money. I also asked him how much he was costing me – he offered to work for so much a year and I agreed and told him I’d find another lawyer to write up the contract to make sure he didn’t screw me – he thought that was the funniest thing.

G came back and handed me a preliminary report. We all three sat down and between calls (Fire can work the phones without even looking now) we figured out what the place lacked and made our recommendations.

G created the report – Fire and I proofed it then I sent it to Pops for his take. William read it too and suggested several changes and asked quite a few questions. I got out of the way and just let G talk to them.

She mentioned it was great having two smart men at her beck and call – I let it slip that if she showed Pops or William her twat (I love that word) much more she would have everything she ever needed.

When I caught myself she asked me to talk to her later about the advantages of dating/fucking older men. I agreed. She started to ask about Lisa and Stubby but I simply said ‘Giant cock’ and she nodded not needing to know anything else.

I kicked myself again for giving away too much again.

The six new temps we requested showed up at 9 and Fire had them busy at 1 second after. She told me she needed another video cam and I handed her my credit card and told her to buy three. She taught one of the new people how to answer the phones.

When she got back tears came to her eyes - I asked what was wrong and she told me she had never been given so much trust in her life. She really appreciated it.

The accountant that had been helping me with Grannie’s estate showed up and immediately started setting up the books for my new company. I asked how much he was costing me and he said I would have to talk to Pops.

I told him I owned the company and how fucking much was he costing me – he told me I sounded just like Pops and gave me my answer.

I asked how much I should be paying Fire and G and gave him their responsibilities to date. His figures were much more to my liking.

He asked how often I wanted to pay them – I told him to ask them. Fire let it slip she could use it daily until she got caught up but they both asked him which was best and he talked to each of them privately to get their current fiscal picture.

I think he has fallen in love with Fire even though I thought he was gay. He told me that Pops had always insisted that if ANY employee knew of another employee having ANY type of problem to send him an anonymous email. He said that would be stupid since he was only one – I asked if he needed help – he said I had better get some fucking clients first – I told him to get his ass busy.

Anyway he gave me some of Fire’s story – I told him I’d be back and asked about loans to employees. I visited the bank and made a withdrawal.

When I got back I handed the envelope to Fire and told her we would work out the details later and I went into my office.

I heard her whisper to G and then they must have counted my ‘loan’. Fire said she’d have to clean my ass with her tongue any time I wanted. G told her to be careful what she wished for – she was pretty sure I was bisexual.

Fire did not believe her but G left for her next inspection so the conversation stopped. Fire came in, gave me a hug and told me to never hesitate to ask her to do anything – I told her my ass needed cleaning and she blushed and I gave her a big hug and told her she could talk to me about anything but if she didn’t want me to hear her conversations she better close doors or talk quieter.

She laughed and said she had nothing to hide. I told her I preferred to have my pussy and clit licked – she innocently asked, “Really?” I shooed her away laughing.

I called the old tenant and he is on his way. I feel it is going to be a very good day and it is only three hours old.

0 Bitches:

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