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Posts for Friday, July 25, 2008 (item)

Technology Gets in the Way 7/25/2008 by Dani

Posted at 11:57 AM
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Sometimes technology can be such a pain in the ass. Pops did something back in January to prevent us girls from embarrassing ourselves.
Today it really screwed us up.

Some of you old timers (I know it’s only been about 6 months) remember the discussion about us girls sending videos and images out to the Internet.

He decided we could not do it unless the IP address and computer name we were uploading to was approved. It took a month to get all our normal sites approved and since then we very seldom think about it.

This morning G was trying to send a drawing and pictures of the back floor to the architects for approval of the remodeling. They want a 12 foot deck across the back with several sliding windows and a big picture window in the middle. Pops agreed to 'give' (yeah, right) them room on his floor on opposite sides for their 'lofts' where they each will have a suite of rooms. Pops has decided on many changes to his floor but we have to get the estimates first.

They (the architects) called and asked that she quit joking with them. She insisted she was not joking, she was dead fucking serious. Then ignored her but they did call Pops wanting to know what kind of people he was hiring.

When they explained he had to hang up, get himself back in control and called them back assuring them she was not joking. He explained and they felt so bad G now has 7 or 8 vases of flowers and the business as a whole received 5. She had ten different email apologies and the company as a whole had 3 from the head office.

We girls think it is great.

What happened?

When Pops filtered the network for vid and images he had his filter send the original message with a different picture of two giant rhinoceros fucking – the picture was upside down.

That is what the architects were getting instead of G’s drawings and pictures. It was the first time she had sent images outside our VPN.

Pops fixed everything and apologized for not thinking about it.

G had Fire take a picture of her ass AFTER Fire had put on lots of red lipstick and kissed her ass. It was perfect.

G sent it to Pops and the architects – nobody believed it was her ass so Fire took a video that started on her face (but she blurred it) and then down to her ass (which she did NOT blur). Fire moved in and applied the lipstick to the ass with her lips, then licked it and waved goodbye. It was classic.

That’s when we started getting apologies and later the flowers. This afternoon at 3 PM the architects are coming for a visit. We have a bet as to how many show up.

G went down three or four floors to talk to a wonderful receptionist down there. They met at the temp agency and liked each other immediately. G came back up and said she had a wonderful surprise planned.

I am not sure I want to know.

Another little problem – many of you know we girls use a modified word processor that ‘anticipates’ what we are going to type and makes automatic changes such as changing my real name to Dani and changing other names too – just to protect our privacy.

It will also auto correct our spelling and fix our grammar. But it has been doing something else that Pops finally figured out this morning.

I am forever typing ri when I mean ir and ht when I mean th. When Fire came to work for us I called her FireCracker for a while and abbreviated it as FC – when the program saw FC it spelled out FireCracker.

The big black accountant heard me call her a Cracker and he pointed out that it was slang for a white person or a half-white person and I might be insulting her.

The HR person suggested I not say anything just stop using it so I did. I decided to just call her Fire but I did not change the program.

I type frie because my right left side is faster then my right side brain (HUH? – Pops says my pussy is the same way –the right side starts coming before the left). Based on my history the program changes frie or fier or feri to fair when I meant Fire – Pops kept wondering why I called her Fair instead of Fire.

Pops told me I know nothing! (Pops has been watching reruns of Hogan’s Heroes).

0 Bitches:

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