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Posts for Friday, July 25, 2008 (item)

Good Party On The Move by Dani

Posted at 11:25 PM
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So there were these people who decided to throw a surprise party. They all worked together making me think most of them would be away.
They did a good job. I have not had any alcohol because I want to remember as much as possible and of course I have been using this blog as a diary to do that this week. Many friends have been following my progress.

All are saying I have done a remarkable job – many cannot believe that the crazy unfocused loafer had ANY business abilities. Boy does it feel good.

Pops handed me a Cash Flow Report Projection and the actual Cash Flow to Date.

I read it twice and told him I was not being paid enough (I have not even gotten paid yet). He told me to give myself a raise.

I do not know how to describe how I feel. But I know I am having lots of fun. Pops told me I had another surprise coming sometime tonight – he just was not sure when.

Moms, Fire, G and Red have been hooked together for the last hours talking about everything.

When Red found out Moms were lesbians she squealed and hugged them both and said she MUST talk to them later in private. Fire held up her hand and said remember, there are NO secrets in this company.

Momtoo saw me eavesdropping and came over to hug me. She asked if I was in need of anything and I shook my head no.

She said it felt good to have a celebration party after all the other stuff that had happened. We hugged and Fire came over to tell me what awesome mothers I have. I agreed.

I saw Red’s kids come back from another adventure. They had taken Skippy and gone down to see the horses. Pops called the guy that takes care of them and asked if there was any way the girls could ride – turns out his own teenage daughter wanted to take a ride so she would be glad to help out.

Red’s daughters called to be sure it was OK and I found their mother and asked. Red seemed to be upset after she gave them permission and I asked why.

She took me off to the side and said she did not want her daughters to hate her if she had to quit or decided to move away. If they thought this would be part of their life it might be very hard to do the right thing.

I assured her I was not trying to set her up and lock her into any position. She laughed then hugged me and told me she had been screwed so much in the past she could not recognize good people.

Pops overheard that and he said that what he said next was not a bribe or attempt to get in her pants - that would come later I told her – or anything but him trying to right a wrong.

She would never owe him a thing and she should never feel obligated towards him.

On Monday a friend would be calling her to get some info about the dick wipe that had fucked her over – she asked which one – Pops told her anyone or anything where you feel you might have been fucked – just tell this guy anything she wants checked.

He told her the guy was not a lawyer but had access to them – he was not a cop – but had access to them – he would not randomly do anything she requested without Pops’ approval – pretend he was her personal protection and act accordingly.

She asked how she would pay for it and I told her that the guy probably owed Pops so much money that no money would ever change hands – and IF it was the guy I was thinking about, she might want to shave every day she was to meet him – she might cut some time off her celibacy.

Pops protested that was his job and Mom came up behind him and said that she had talked to Red and G AND Fire - she had been away for a while so they could not touch him without her permission.

Pops asked how long and she said it depended upon how good a job he did. Pops cussed and said these damn wives, such slave drivers and walked away.

When he was gone Mom leaned over to me and said they (My girls and her and momtoo were going to surprise him – if his cock got rock hard in 10 seconds he could fuck who ever he wanted.

Momtoo came back and said she thinks they should have done 5 seconds. The girls just laughed.

I still had not had an alcoholic drink at 9 pm tonight – the diet soda tastes good.

I remembered that I had not eaten and I was sure Pops had not eaten.

I asked him and he said I must have been up in the clouds – they had a buffet set up in the kitchen for the last two hours – I had not seen any food because Pops had restricted food to the kitchen and the kitchen deck – easier to clean up before we leave tonight.

That was twice I had heard leave tonight. I went to the kitchen to eat and Red’s girls cornered me and asked about several things they had seen.

They wondered how many girls actually lived here and how often we went shopping – I should have known. I excused my self and found Red and told her she was really going to hate me but I was going to take her girls shopping.

She did not understand and BBs patted her shoulder and said that the ABCs (Annie, BBs and me) had been coming here for years. Our closets were filled with clothes sometimes never worn or only worn once.

We were taking her daughters on a shopping spree. It was our way of cleaning out the closets and instead of throwing it away we liked to give it to people who could use it.

Red said we had to figure out a way to say no – we had to figure out a way to keep them from fighting over something they both liked – and WE had to help the girls get it home.

No problem and we were gone. I finished eating and told the girls about the ABCs and asked if they had seen anything they liked or might want to try on. Of course I already knew the answer and we went straight to BBs old room.

BBs told them to help themselves – the youngest grabbed a little red dress that had to be seven or eight years old. She pulled it over her head and BBs asked if she wanted a changing room or was she afraid of us seeing her.

She blushed but lost her clothes and pulled the dress on over her naked body. BBs said much better and told her she was going to be a knock out like her mother – they both were.

BBs checked the dress and did not like the tightness in the butt so she left. They wondered where she went. I knew but I’d let her surprise them.

When she came back with am identical dress she motioned for the girl to lose that one and try this one. It fit almost perfectly and really set off her hair and eyes.

We all told her it was beautiful. She said she could only dream of finding something like this.

BBs told her she had already found it. The girl did not understand and BBS told her it was hers. I’m not sure I ever saw BBs interact with a teenager but she got hugged a lot.

The older daughter could not believe their luck – she took forever looking at the dresses and I asked if she was only looking for one. She said yes. I told her that she and her sister could take any fucking clothes they found in this house. Any fucking thing.

She looked at me in disbelieve and BBs explained it. The girls were beside themselves.

The older girl found a dress but it was cut in such a way she needed something to keep her tits together – they were wide but not that big. I found her a bra in Annie’s dresser that was perfect. When she pulled off her old bra I noticed a piece of lint and without thinking I picked it off.

It scared her – I told her sorry. BBs said don’t worry about her – she likes to play with boobs and stuff. I screeched at her and the younger sister said her sister was the same way – always touching and pinching.

The older sister said something and I asked what she liked to do most and she said pinch her ass. I pinched her sister’s ass but then BBs pinched hers and someone pinched mine – it was the older sister – I called her a slut and grabbed a boob.

We ended up having a pillow/clothes/grabbing and pinching fight – just like we used to do many years ago.

Fire and G came up to see what we were doing and joined in. Then Fire found an outfit that was perfect for her.

The older sister had eyed it earlier so I went to my bedroom and Annie’s and found ‘our copies’. When I went back into the room I handed the sister my dress and G got Annie’s old dress.

They all fit perfectly. I am not sure how many dresses we found in that hour, but I think they’ll be able to wear a different outfit every day until Christmas.

And Fire found some really sexy stuff that we would not let the sisters take – one fit the oldest perfectly but every man that saw her would get a hard-on.

G found some sexy gowns that Annie had bought for prom and homecoming – she was a popular fuck I mean date down here.

Red walked in and saw the pile of clothes. Then she saw the way her daughter was dressed and tears came to her eyes. She asked how she was going to keep the perverts away.

She started to tell her daughter she could never dress like that and her daughter told her she had already been warned by us.

G grabbed a dress and held it up to Red – she told her to strip. Her daughters giggled but one of them said damn when her tits came out – the youngest wanted to know when she started shaving down there. Red’s face was almost as red as her hair.

She pulled on the dress and she looked beautiful. BBs put her hair up and put just a touch of makeup on her.

Someone handed us all sexy clothes and we all dressed up. We put the girl’s hair up and their Mom let us put makeup on them.

When we all walked down the stairs Pops grabbed a vidcam and shot us – he put the image on every TV and we did a fashion show.

Adam and Denny really did their part for the younger girls – the rest acted like grandpas but they let us know they appreciated what they saw.

When Red came down the steps William offered his arm. When he told her she was beautiful her face got as read as her hair.

Pops got out the real good digital camera and had each of us pose for him on the steps and then on the deck – William was taping the whole time.

At 10:30 Captain said it was time. He asked us all to come to the boat – Red and the girls had not seen it yet.

He asked that we each check and make sure our overnight bags were in the storage room. While we were doing that we felt the engines start and the lights dimmed as we came off dock power.

And ten minutes later we waved to Lisa as we headed up river. I asked where we were going and all he would say was I hope home.

So we have been on the river for over an hour and I wrote up this post. Many of the guests are napping. All Pops and Captain will say is that I will be surprised.

The reason we are so late is because of the bus they say. I have no idea what they mean. I just know I am getting very tired.

Captain wonders if he missed a turn and Denny says he is pretty sure he had not. I told them I was going to take nap and sent this post.

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