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Posts for Friday, July 25, 2008 (item)

Dani Update #3 7/25/2008 by Dani

Posted at 6:46 PM
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I had to rush the end of the last post – I had gone up to see Annie but she was asleep and Summer was showering. I was talking to Adam but he had to go before I could finish the story so he told me to post it.
I told Pops I would be a half hour. He took the girls for a ride in our new car to take Red home and to stop by Fire’s to get her swimsuit – she is sure Pops will like it.

I sent her a text asking why she needed a swimsuit and she told me Pops was about to get a taste of her ‘old’ modesty. She would make sure I was around when she modeled it.

I was rushed when Pops called saying they were downstairs waiting for me. I thought I was driving myself.

So Red said she had to go or she would miss her bus. Pops offered her a ride home but she said she had her virginity to protect.

We had just discussed her family life – she had a boy 5 months old, girls 12 and 14. Pops asked how she talked her husband into babysitting (she had mentioned someone named Mark many times today).

She gagged, Mark is her younger brother – the way she gets him to baby sit is to pay him. Pops asked about the youngest - why did she decide to have another baby.

She winked at me – no one else could see her and she told Pops she was not sure who the father was.

She said she went out on a date Friday night and had a good time, the next night she went to a party and got too drunk and Sunday she went to watch football and fell asleep at a friends and woke up to him.

A month later the doctor told her the bad news. She was going to get an abortion but just didn’t have the money to do it.

She didn’t want to put it up for adoption so she kept it. Just looking she can not tell whose kid it is.

She had everyone at the table in the palm of her hand – I was impressed. She talked about him not having a father and her voice broke and I excused myself because I was ready to start laughing.

I got myself under control and came back into the room. Fear had big tears in her eyes and was ready to cry. I was going to give her up when she asked everyone if they were always so gullible or if she was just that good.

Fire was ready to kill but realized how good it was – she had to wipe her eyes. Red apologized for taking it so far. Pops asked the same question and she said the guy’s rubber was too big or his dick was too small.

Of course no one believed her. She said it was true. She had kicked her husband out when she caught him taking pictures of her nude daughters without their knowledge or consent.

He had testified she had stolen from a former employer and had lost her job before being proven innocent. Her husband kicked her ass in the divorce and she lost all of her insurance.

It had been 2 years since she had been laid so she went out with a really nice guy but honest to God, either his cock was too small or the rubber too big and she was pregnant six weeks after the one and only date – the sex lasted less then a minute.

When she called he told her to prove it was his which she could not afford. She moved in with her Mom and had been working odd jobs since the baby was born.

Pops started to ask a question and I told him to shut up, it was none of his business and he said but I just wondered how long it has been now.

I told him to do the math – kid was 5 months – baby takes nine months – can you add Pops?

He is wise and he shut up.

Red asked if this job paid commission – I told her I had no idea and Pops, kind of pissed said do the math – she brings in 12 contracts for one year – multiply by the monthly % or yearly % or life % of the contract and add it to her gross.

Pops said he did not do the math wrong – in the last 3 years and two months she has had a dick in her for less then a minute unless you count the time her son was coming through the birth canal.

She told him he was right the first time – complications meant she had to have a C-section. She had not even had the change to FEEL like someone had fucked her for a year. She told me 2% would be good for a newbie. Pops asked about a well worn experience old fuck – she said experience was valued. Pops said he was glad. I told them to get a room.

I looked at G and asked her what she thought – she thought it would be awesome – no help girl – so I said we would take a look after the first month and see what our monthly expenses were on average and come up with a margin % then we could discuss commissions.

I thought it ought to be something – Pops told them with their assets they should hold out for 15%. Red did the math and said she could live with that but what assets was he talking about and she stuck her tits our and leaned towards him.

Fire said please don’t get him started – we just got him cooled down but it was too late – Pops was listing them – red hair, green eyes, full lips and long plump tongue, beautiful dimples when she smiled and a wonderful thin neck with giant size breasts, skinny little waist with perfect hips and a ass that you could ride all night.

Her legs could trap him for hours and he would not care. They were so long he could take a week to kiss them from toe to hip – IF he didn’t stop at the Y.

G said that made her ready for anything. Fire told him it was a great way to flood the Y. Red asked if he would like to help her subtract one day from her celibacy.

Pops said the only way that could happen was if they all did him at the same time. Red asked how the hell he would do that and G said she had heard his tongue was as long as a snake.

Red got up and arranged herself and told Pops to show her his new tool. He stood up and I thought for sure his cock was coming out, he’s done it before, but he asked if she wanted hard or soft.

She was already heading for the door. Pops said he’d see me in a little bit. And 35 minutes later Pops was in a hurry to get home.

So here we are at home waiting for the girls to get here.

Stubby’s beard is gone – his hair had been trimmed and he is wearing a Cub T-shirt. If I had met him on the street I would have no idea who he was.

She also shaved his privates and it feels so weird. He is pretty sure his ass has not been bald since he was born.

He also looks about 30 years younger. I asked how old he was and he said older then Grannie but I don’t believe him.

Lisa says she ‘thinks’ he is 38 but he won’t tell her either. Cheese told me years ago he was younger then he was – Cheese is 43 this year.

They are not coming to the big house because Stubby is still weak. He fell asleep after working his way to the cabin – Pops would like someone to stay in it over the weekend. I guess we are not coming back until Tuesday – not sure why.

He did tell me I owed him $400 for an airplane ticket home – Red is going to meet us Monday morning or maybe Sunday noon. He told me we had work to do. I told him it would be nice if the fucking boss knew what was going on.

The girls called because they missed a turn. Pops had them describe where they were. He told them to knock on the door of the farm to their right, when the old guy answers the door, show him your tits.

He told them he would pick them up at the jail – the old guy was the sheriff. I took his phone and told them to look at the sheriff’s barn, turn front to back and they should see our flag. Get to it and they would find us.

Ten minutes later they were here. In our new (13,000 miles) Mercedes something or rather – you can live in the back seat. G said it drove like a sports car and Fire finished but felt like a rocking chair.

Done of us have had much sleep and we have all dozed off. I have no idea what comes next – Pops says he has a surprise for us.

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