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Posts for Monday, July 21, 2008 (item)

Dani Update 7/21/2008 by Dani

Posted at 3:25 PM
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I forgot to check – I am pretty sure Lisa described our ‘group hug’ this morning – what a way to start the day. It was amazing the way we all fit together.
I met with my security company and lawyer and the former owners. The security man tried to tell us he handled several different parts of the building and was upset when I limited his access to certain floors and offices.

He started lying the moment he opened his mouth – my lawyer (introduced as an assistant) took notes and after about a 10-minute speech he got up and moved a screen (that looked like a wall) and revealed the former owners.

They tore him a new asshole and called their lawyer to file a lawsuit to get their money back.

My lawyer handed him his termination papers and intent to file letter with an insistence that he return all our money.

We also called his bonding company and insurance company and informed them of our actions.

The guy called me a cunt and the others choice names and one of the city’s finest arrested him for disorderly conduct and illegally carrying a firearm.

I showed the new company (two women own it) around and a locksmith came out and re-keyed all master access locks around the outside.

At 11am one of the old guards came to work. He was interviewed (he could have left at any time) but he spilled his guts.

We let him know his company had been fired. We even let him use his call list and our phones to let the others know it would go easier if they came in and gave their stories.

As of three all but one had come in.

The former owners said they wished they could have found me to manage their building before they gave up and sold it.

They even gave me several names of other absentee owners that were looking for a management firm. I was warned they were all old people with lots of money that will pay well for what they want.

I’ve already talked to Pops and he has his corporate people working on a business plan.

I found I really like this kind of stuff. Especially when I entered Pops floor and the crew jumped to their feet and got busy as soon as they saw who it was. I love the power – I will not deny it.

Annie came in about noon and complained all of her new kitchen was dusty. I went to look and called the contractor and raised hell. Even though it was lunchtime, two teenagers showed up and starting cleaning.

Annie, still in her wheelchair started flirting with them and exhibiting her body. I had to leave because she was turning me on. I whispered to her to tip them good – she told me she was looking for the tip of something all right. I did not ask what.

My new security chief suggested some changes – I asked how much and she guessed and my open mouth probably scared her – I know the number scared me.

I called Pops and he suggested it was time to hire some top people. I hired the three women as my security group and gave them a budget.

They were going to start their own business – I was going to be their first client. I told them they were on a 30-day probation period. We’ll play it all by ear. Right now the girls are introducing themselves to the other tenants.

I also need to hire maintenance people and I’m wondering about cooling and heating. Pops facilities manager is coming down tomorrow for a quickie – ooh that sounds good – lessons about building maintenance.

Lisa and Pops dropped me off but I was not ready to leave town when they were so they went home telling me to call a half hour before I was ready.

I called and when I went outside a limo was waiting for me – a familiar person jumped out and held the door for me. There were some younger guys walking past and when I bent over to crawl in Summer patted and rubbed my ass.

I just smiled and the guys were all hooting and hollering. She drove me home saying Pops had called her.

When she dropped me off I invited her in but she said she had another appointment and left.

Cindy and Denny are back – and they are married – yes, married. They asked ME to tell Annie –I told them to man up and tell her themselves – probably best over the phone – while they are in Japan.

His and her parents already know and are very happy about it. Lisa and Jeni are planning a BIG reception. Everyone is buzzing around here.

Things sure change fast.

0 Bitches:

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