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Posts for Tuesday, July 22, 2008 (item)

Dani Update #1 7/22/2008 by Lisa

Posted at 10:31 AM
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This morning Dani and I get into the limo and find Adam sleeping. We had too much to discuss so we left him alone.
We stopped and had breakfast and created a really great outline for today’s activities. When we got to the building Adam woke up and came in with us telling Dani he knew she needed help today and he was here for her.

We went to Dani’s floor (third from the top) and decided to start at the very top. We hoped to look in every door and take an inventory of everything ‘physical’ we found.

Our first stop was the elevator room on the roof. As soon as we opened the door Adam suggested we hire someone to do the inventory and make sure they had video cameras to record and give a voice description of everything they saw.

We agreed but we simply reduced the detail we were looking for and opened the next unknown door – Adam pulled us back and said it was a transformer room and wondered why it did not have warning signs.

The third door would not open. Adam noticed a lever and pulled it first and then turned the key and we were looking down a tunnel that probably went all the way to the basement.

Dani pulled Adam back and called a stop before we got killed. Adam said we needed blueprints.

We went back to Dani’s makeshift office and we planned out the rest of the day. Adam had several good suggestions but kept dozing off.

Pops corporate crew was due in a half hour – Summer had already called and reported she had them all and was fighting the early morning rush.

Dani took Adam up to Annie’s place and put him in bed then gave him a blowjob. She was happy he did not fall asleep before he was done.

Dani’s phone rang – one of the tenants was concerned that his overnight workers had not seen a guard all night and when he called the security number they were told the building had been condemned and they were all have to leave by the end of the week.

Dani asked for the number and called her lawyer to get all the records and owner name of the number.

No sooner had she hung up then it rang again – I called her voice mail and she had 9 messages – all about different things – all from tenants.

I called the phone company to get a phone installed but was told it would take weeks. Then I went to the local cell phone shops (one of William’s), called Deni and he authorized a special account for me and I got four new cell phones with sequential numbers and setup a phone system for our new office that was still in the planning stages.

Deni called back and told me they were in the landline business if I needed his help. I described what I wanted and he told me not to worry – we’d have something by noon.

When I got back upstairs I was introduced to everyone and one of the guys was a 6’ 9” black man that weighed 285 pounds – Summer wondered how much of it was cock – he had a beautiful baritone voice that reminded me of the guy whose voice was Darth Vader – maybe I’m wrong about that.

He recorded the voice mail for each phone number and I sent out email to all tenants about the changes and which number to call about what.

By this time the head of our security showed up and promptly got pissed. One of them went to a quiet room and called the number and found out the talker was somebody’s brother who lost his job because of Dani’s actions.

Our people offered him a job because he sounded so responsible. He was here in less than five minutes – we could not figure that out. It only took our girls five minutes to get all the questions answered and since they had him on tape the police arrested him for many different things. The lawyer had already spoken to the state’s attorney.

What we discovered from him completely surprised us. More later.

Dani had setup a quickie database - Pops crew just did whatever needed done. Dani passed out master keys and we traded cell phone numbers. One of Pops crew was an HR specialist – she called a local company that was a client and in turn called a temp agency and two hours later six people walked in. More on that later.

In less then an hour everything was under control or at least on the agenda and we started our meeting with Pops crew.

The computer crew from Pops office showed up, checked each person’s portable and cell phone Ids and starting setting up the new system.

Dani made four changes to the business plan which we all thought were genius. One of the guys said she didn’t fall far from the tree. Without thinking she said damn right, I fucking jumped as hard as I could. The tone of her voice made everyone wide-eyed.

She looked at them all briefly and said I’ll bet one of you can not say you haven’t seen how much of a fucking asshole Pops is.

I panicked – I was afraid they would kill her – instead two of them had to go pee because they were all laughing so hard. Several wanted stories – all had their own.

Dani had me take notes – she is going to get payback for some of them.

More later – Deni’s phone crew just got here.

0 Bitches:

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