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Posts for Tuesday, July 22, 2008 (item)

Dani Update #3 7/22/2008 by Lisa

Posted at 1:58 PM
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Dani and I were reading over the changes to the business plan when the bankers got here. I wondered why we needed bankers but I found out – they would be the clients in many cases and Pops had called in favors – there were only two local banks that mattered and Pops had ins to both.
I mentioned to Dani that we should have taken them to the best restaurant around – she said they could pay for their own fucking meals – besides she wanted them in an unfamiliar or distantly remembered environment.

Fire (we dropped the cracker – more later) just roamed in and out like she owned the place giving us messages and whispering things in and out of my ear or pointing to things on Dani’s screen.

Dani apologized for the hectic surroundings but both bankers congratulated her on how smoothly things ran. They were surprised that I was just a friend along for the excitement and fun.

In the end north asked for a sample contract and one of them asked Dani to inspect a building not far away and they traded numbers.

As soon as the bankers left, Pops crew came in to offer congratulations and went to work. We are pretty sure they had copies of the contract on their fax machines and in their inboxes before they got back to work.

Goth girl had asked for a place to shower and change. I showed her where Pops new bathroom had been installed and told her to test it all – and let us know if something did not work.

Her report was meticulous – she missed nothing and even bitched the shower handles were running down hill and the caulking behind the toilet on the floor was not compete - she is now our first inspector – she does not know it yet – we are trying to decide if we are going to keep the temp agency or simply hire these people.

I walked in on her – I thought she was done and gone she was so quiet and I needed to pee. I did not see her when I walked in - she sneaked a peek around the corner to see who was peeing.

She smiled and said she was happy it was not one of the guys – her bag was in the other room. When I went to wash my hands she was finishing her makeup. When she pulled the towel off her head I stopped with my mouth open –plus she was naked on top and the G-string she wore was a waste being bald and all.

But the biggest surprise – her hair was blonde – not bleached or colored or highlighted - it was light blonde – it was beautiful. The black hair was a wig.

She smiled and said not to tell Fire, but it was hot wearing all black. G (I named her) liked working for Fire and so far had enjoyed the work – she really liked Dani and the black guy turned her on.

I laughed, hugged her and told her I would not warn anyone. She laughed. I told her to hit on the black guy but to make sure I was near so that we could record it.

Dani and HR were still discussing the temps when I got back. They had decided that G was not coming back – I told them to hold that decision – I think she would surprise them all.

The HR person suggested a two week probation. Dani said she liked people under her own umbrella – and she could have as long a probation as she wanted if they were her people. I heard the HR person wonder why she was here – I told her vacation and confidence builder. She turned and smiled and asked when Miller time was.

I told her I was surprised she didn’t say Jack & Coke. She said she was trying not to look like a lush. When lunch got here I asked her what she wanted to drink and she said Coke.

When she and her friend took their first drink they choked and just stared at me. I shrugged my shoulders. When they had drained the first cans I showed them where the replacements were kept. They started to promise not to get drunk and I told them at least not show it until the temps were gone.

The atmosphere is noticeably more relaxed this afternoon.

To back up a bit – Dani declared it was lunch time just before G came back down with her hair just right, makeup perfect and clothes that fit perfectly – she looked like a model.

She walked in just as Dani told Fire to get everyone’s order for lunch. G suggested to Fire she get the orders since she had may hours as a waitress and knew a really good restaurant that would treat us right and probably even charge it if money was tight.

Dani and Fire just stared, mouths opened – I took her arm and told Dani and Fire this was G – for the beautiful G –string she was wearing and for Goth – her serious alter ego. G smiled as I led her into the other room.

She said she would be the waitress today, what did they want. She took all the orders and you could tell right away she was a good waitress.

Dani and Fire walked in and she took their orders. She looked at me with a questioning look and I said yes with my eyes.

The fun was about to begin.

0 Bitches:

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