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Posts for Wednesday, July 23, 2008 (item)

Dani Update #5 7/23/2008 by Dani

Posted at 7:09 PM
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Ok, I am a bit buzzed – I called work done at 3:45 after I was informed we had to leave while they installed our windows. I called a meeting at a local watering hole.
Annie and Summer came – she is NOT driving me home tonight and since she is within walking distance of Annie’s she is drinking heavily.

I asked her early this afternoon when she came down to show my friend where to sleep (right beside a half naked passed out Annie) what she wanted to do in life.

She wondered why I asked and I had Fire show her the current job descriptions we are looking for.

After her 10 or 11th shot – she holds it good – (Annie can not drink – she gets sick if she tries but she is still out of it right now) – Summer asked if she could possibly try them all.

Fire took it and ran. She apologized for doing it but I borrowed her tablet and wrote under Fire’s responsibilities – casting director – she got a big kick out of it.

She logged into whatever job site she posted to and added her name as the contact person – it was cute and just like the 12 year old she look likes.

Earlier I pulled them aside (Fire and G) and told them what their salary was (actually I handed each of them an envelope containing their salary, a bond application, their first month’s salary in a paycheck, signature cards to fill out for the bank and told them to go find cars or whatever they wanted to lease and gave them limits.

If they went over their vehicle limit they had to pay the difference. G asked if she had to take a car and I told them both that if they chose not to have a company car, the lease ceiling would be added to their expense account.

They are both torn.

They will be paid once a month one month ahead. So they would owe me money if I fired them or they quit unless it happened on payday. It took a bit for them both to understand but when they got it they liked it.

I got a real kick earlier – Fire informed us that she had never had any money to buy drinks before – she would like to catch up in life and buy the first three rounds.

I told her no, this was a company outing but she could pay and submit the receipts if she wanted. She has been buying ALL drinks on her.

The waitress asked her what the occasion was – Fire told her she was going to be able to pay off all her debt thanks to a generous boss. It was touching and now I KNOW I am doing it right.

We ordered something greasy from the bar menu to help beat off the hangover and to sober up a bit.

Then Annie suggested we move out to the beer/smoking garden. We were there for less then a minute when she asked for a phone.

She asked us if any of us had someplace to be and we all said bed before midnight – hopefully not alone.

She dialed someone and we wondered what she was setting up. I told them whatever it was we would like it.

Fire ordered another round and Summer talked with G about her job and Annie gave Fire tips for using her ‘assets’ (as we now call it).

I went over Fire’s latest daily schedule and decided we would start at 6am and quit at 3pm.

Annie made out with Summer and Fire just stared – G got squirmy and I just smiled. I brought up a few topics and finally Annie looked at me and told me work was over – shut the fuck up.

Everyone laughed and Annie told us to come on – she had something setup that would shut all our mouths.

We took a hike – about a half hour and we walked out to the end of a long dock and I heard my Dani Marie’s horn – Annie was still trippin’ and she had taken the wrong dock.

Captain was laughing while he backed up and came to get us. Fire and G were very excited but worried because they were not very good swimmers.

I promised them I would keep Annie away from the wheel. Once boarded I head straight for Captain and explained my plan. He left to get ready while Pops took us out in the channel.

Pops gave me the signal and he asked Annie to take over while he peed. All of my employees got a little worried. Annie told me their eyes were so big and everyone of them crossed their legs to hold in the pee. Summer had winked at her but played her part.

Annie pretended to nod off every so often and then I heard a horn and knew Captain was ready.

We started moving towards the center of the channel. Pops was explaining to the girls how traffic flowed and what the buoys were for and all the flags and he pointed out the fog indicators for the river road and all of a sudden Fire pointed and stuttered.

We were about to hit a tugboat. Annie laughed and said hell we are not even close, yet. Pops told her to straighten up and Annie laughed like the devil.

I saw William setup the plank outside the door and invited the girls over to ‘see’ the tug and how far away we were.

Summer, Fire and G were all leaning out the window watching their ride get closer and closer to the tugboat. It’s pilot pulled his horn a few times and a couple of others who had heard the ploy answered. Summer winked at me – she knew what was going on.

All of a sudden Annie threw open the door and seemed to walk right onto the tug.

Summer was out the door first and ran into William. Fire screamed and I think G might have fainted.

I was sitting on the deck laughing my ass off. It took the girls a few minutes to settle down and join in the laughter then William helped them all across the plank.

Annie was sitting there smiling a goofy smile. I pointed out that Captain was on the upper deck ‘steering’ the ship and he had set this all up – he knew the Captain of this tug.

We met every one on the tug and they all had a good laugh. Annie wanted to see what it was like to turn the barges – the Captain immediately said no, she had to have her something or rather license. Annie wondered how she got it.

Summer wondered too. We said our goodbyes, G got a promise of another ride using her ‘assets’ and Fire tried to seduce a younger guy but he told her he was married to the river.

When we got back on board Captain yelled for Summer to take over. When she sat down she gradually moved us away from the tug and Captain walked in.

He hugged both the girls and asked if they wanted a turn at the helm. Fire asked what that was – Captain explained – and she wondered if she needed ‘one of those thar licenses’ – that is exactly what she said.

Captain assured her not for this boat but she still turned him down – Summer motioned G over and started explaining everything.

I went looking for booze and Adam surprised me – that boy can fuck me so quick I am not sure it even happened except I got come running out of my cunt.

When I came up with a bottle and glass G was standing at the control panel and Summer was right behind her – I thought at first G was getting fucked but Summer was just teasing her.

Fire moved behind me and asked what I had been up to while she pulled my skirt down. Fucking Adam had played a trick.

Yep, can’t ask for a better day then this. Captain asked Fire and G where and when they need to be dropped. Pops looked up and asked me why they were not staying with us.

Fire said she had to go home and see her aunt and G said she needed to get some work clothes from home.

Pops told them they were going to miss a great breakfast – he made them promise to be there Saturday morning. I gave up. Now I have to figure out a way to tell these girls they are working for a pervert – a nudist.

That conversation ought to be fun.

Update - Annie fell in the fucking river - she slipped showing Adam the stern bilge access door. Adam went in after her. Captain did an emergency lock of the propellers - it was scary - and both engines died and all power was off for a few seconds.

G headed for the stern and Captain told her not to swim. She said she was not stupid and threw life jackets as far as she could then threw a rescue ring with a rope. William got there next and shined one of our spots on them.

The barge behind us sounded their horn in a particular pattern and the radio jumped to life.

I was showing Fire and G how I was able to send messages when on the river - I had just turned on their outside wireless access and had sent them each a message when everything on the table went flying. Luckily it all still works.

A smaller fishing boat got Annie and Adam out of the river and returned them to us. They both stink and after the boat left they both stripped. Fire and G were wide-eyed - Captain had gotten every thing running again but he had three red lights.

He told Pops to hold us steady and he and William headed for the engine room.

Fire keeps looking at Adam and I motioned him over and teasingly asked if they would like to examining it closer - he would let them. They looked back and forth between my face and his cock - he is enjoying this.

Annie yelled we have no water in the shower - Pops said Captain was working on the problems.

I heard Adam ask the girls if they knew what a nudist was. Maybe my life will not be that hard.

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