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Posts for Friday, July 25, 2008 (item)

Dani Update 7/25/2008 by Dani

Posted at 2:44 PM
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Red (our new girl) brought back one of our possible clients. Red had knocked on her door asking to examine her outer walls.
The client was a sweet old lady that owned the building but Red did not know that until an hour later.

The client bitched about the current owners for an hour and she said Red was so courteous and kind – she decided within five minutes she wanted us to take over management of her buildings in MO. She has 12 most in big cities and she also had a nursing home in case they try to put her away.

Anyway Red convinced her we could do a much better job and she asked to be given a chance – give us thirty days and if she didn’t like what Red had done she would never see her again. The client asked how much and when Red told her free she made a note to talk to Red’s boss – the company could lose a lot of money.

The client asked to see our corporate offices and meet the ‘boss’. Red called to make sure she was in and here they came.

G and Fire went all out to straighten things then G ‘borrowed’ someone from the construction crew to ‘make noise’ in the back that we could attribute to our remodeling program. They set it up good.

When they thought they had it all figured out I told them if they ever tried to trick a client again they would be on permanent unemployment. They even had the decency to look ashamed.

When Red came in helping the poor dear with her walker, Fire rolled out Annie’s portable wheel chair and wheeled her the rest of the way in. The lady wanted to know where she could get one – it was exactly what she needed.

Annie donated hers to a good cause a little while ago. I hope it was hers. The lady could not believe we just gave it to her – I told her its user did not need it anymore.

She looked at me and wondered how I could be so young and run this company - I said my Grannie gave it all to me and showed her a picture of Grannie. I also sent a message to Fire to get this sucker enlarged – she would be our founder – right on the main wall of the entrance.

Fire grinned and the lady wondered why we were so happy. Fire told her straight up. The lady, ‘Madam W’ we call her now – she told us she always wanted to be a Madam – suggested a shop she knew and she even asked to use a phone and she called him to tell him to treat these people right.

Fire ran the photo to him and she expected to find a man in his thirties – he was over seventy – since Madam W called him son and boy. She took a cell photo to show us – he was giving her the bird as he called it.

Madam W asked Red how long she had worked for Dani – when Red told her 1 day she giggled. Then she quizzed Fire and G and giggled some more and said on the job training was the best.

She described each building in detail – what the current company was doing wrong in her opinion and other suggestions.

Red started taking notes but Madam W pointed out that Fire was using excellent short hand – but she wondered how the hell she got it on the computer screen behind her so fast.

Fire explained and handed her a tablet laptop. She thought it was the greatest thing.

She wondered if she could send a fax – she could never get her fax machine to work. Thirty seconds later she sent her current manager a termination letter but she called her lawyer and banker to warn them first.

Her fax was short and sweet written in long hand – FUCK YOU – LEAVE ME ALONE – YOU ARE FIRED !!

G had to go pee she thought it was so funny. I asked who the company was in case I ran into them some where along the way.

She looked stricken for about ten seconds then said her son. From the look on the other’s faces I knew exactly how I looked. She said not to worry – she had warned him often for the last few years after his wife told him the old bat didn’t need a damn birthday party. From that day on she made him pick her or his wife.

Last night he picked his wife instead of taking Madam W to a ball game. Now she wondered how his wife would get her fat ass sucked out and she giggled.

She coughed and had a little fit just when Pops came in. He offered her a drink and she told him we probably didn’t have anything to her taste. He pulled out some Champagne – she said it was a good one – then he offered her a beer – that kind of beer in Busch country and then he put a glass filled with what she called a fingers worth of booze.

She smelled it, her eyes lit up and she threw it back and asked for two fingers for her cough you see.

Pops started flirting with her and she loved it. Pops let her borrow the laptop tablet for a while and would get her one if she liked it. Fire showed her a few things then Madam W wondered how she gets to the good stuff. Fire did not get it so Pops introduced her to Google.

He asked what she was looking for and she stumbled for a bit – Pops typed something and asked how about that. She smiled and blushed – we could not see what he typed.

Fire got on hers to see where Madam W’s computer was surfing and she exclaimed “Madam W” and when Madam W pointed to Pops she exclaimed blah-blah, Pops real name.

I asked what and she said in a soft voice big, juicy cocks. We laughed forever while Madam W was taught how to move from page to page and look up other things.

Pops got her a computer case and named her computer on the network. He also put a tracking program on it – he just HAS to know.

G was showing her how to save images and Madam W wanted to make sure she knew how to do everything so G shut it down and backed away.

Madam W got it up and running and tried to type goggle – Fire reminded her Google and cupped her tits – Madam W got a kick out of that – so did Pops. She typed something and an image came up and G shook her head.

When asked, Madam W said BIGGER juicy cocks. G was laughing so hard she had to go pee again.

Pops gave her his number in case she had trouble finding any more and left. Madam W wanted to know all about Pops – when she learned he was my Pops (we never correct strangers – we just let them think what they want) she got embarrassed.

It was so cute. She told us she had to hurry or she would miss her afternoon delight – Red offered to go back with her but she said she would be fine with this new wheel chair.

She folded up her walker and put it over the contracts we had just signed that were in her lap and gave a big push on her wheels and went “WWWEEEE”. Her arms were very strong from the walker.

She thanked us for one of the best days in a long time – Pops came out of the elevator and told her to wait she forgot something – he filled a flask from William (William has a box of them in his trunk with the company logo) with the ‘good’ stuff and gave it to her. She took a sip and said we had to be from heaven.

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