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Posts for Tuesday, August 26, 2008 (item)

Wizards In Training – Aug 26 2008 1620 by Dani

Posted at 4:49 PM
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I took Pops’ Roadmaster to pick the kids up from school. This morning NB rode the bus so she could ‘see’ her man.

Tonight she rode it home. No surprise, she told me she likes the privacy.

Mr. Nerd was with BB but B gave me the big surprise. She had a different boy tonight - a cute sixteen-year-old also practicing for his driver’s license.

I let him drive up to the next town and half way back. B sat beside him in the middle seat. She was hanging on him. At one point he put his arm around her and was driving with one arm.

I asked if he liked that arm. Neither got it until I told him he was about to lose it. B got it and scooted over next to me.

He drove really well but I learned he was a farmer’s boy and had been driving tractors since he was 12.

When we got home Pops put him to work on our tractor moving some dirt around and moving a couple of tree trunks to the burn pile. Pops said he was really good.

We also found out he was a good kisser, according to B.

When Liz took over we had to play Chinese Fire drill. Liz and Mr. Nerd moved to the front seat and B and her man moved to the back seat. His arm was back around her but I could not think of a good reason to threaten him.

This time Mr. Nerd put his arm around Liz. I made a new rule. No hugging in the car OR the cabin property until all homework was done.

It did not go over well. Whenever Liz stopped for more then a minute, she put her hand on Mr. Nerd’s leg, very close to his package. I kept my comments to myself.

At the cabin Pops took over and he and Captain carried a big folding table from the shed into an empty utility room behind the kitchen.

Captain found some bright fluorescent lights and hung them from the ceiling. It looks like someone moved the sun indoors. He also moved a dry marker board from the computer room to cover the one window.

Pops installed a web cam in the corner making sure to cover all the corners and under it. No privacy in this room.

The kids got down to studying. B tried to tell him she didn’t have math homework. Pops looked up a number in his phone and after talking with his friend, the local math teacher, B had to stand in the corner with her arms above her head for fifteen minutes.

The other kids had to sit quietly at the table with their hands flat on top the entire time. Pops said punishing the group would make sure none of them forgot.

B got lots of crap after it was over. Red stopped by and got pissed at the lie and took away TV, pool and phone privileges for tonight. When B started to complain she lost them tomorrow night too. I am glad Red is not my Mom.

Liz had a math question and Pops gave them all a lecture on real numbers. The kids all told me later Pops was a great teacher. I told them I already knew that.

Captain came in later and hung a sign he had routed over the door. He decided it would be known as the Wizard’s in Training classroom – Professor ‘dumbledorf’ Pops presiding.

The kids loved it. NB asked Captain for a sign for her room’s door. She whispered what she wanted and Captain laughed and laughed.

He drew something for her to approve and left laughing. I cannot wait.

0 Bitches:

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