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Posts for Monday, August 25, 2008 (item)

Conversation With Liz – Aug 25 2008 603 by Dani

Posted at 6:21 AM
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How do you explain life to a 15 almost 16-year-old going on 30 young girl who cannot wait for the answers?

Lisa, Red and I all decided we would answer anything she asked. Anything. That’s what we told her with fingers crossed.

I was checking the daily plan and reading Imail at the same time. She was doing her own thing. We decided a couple of days ago to ‘hide’ each other’s screen unless we wanted the other to see it. That would give each of us some privacy.

We were sitting there and she asked how many different people I was having sex with. I told her that question was out-of-bounds. She did not need to know. Maybe one day I would share that part of my life.

She apologized and asked why a woman might have more then one partner or do more then one person at a time.

I thought carefully then gave her my answer. She had never heard my argument before. I asked who she had talked to and she said her dad and mom.

I wanted so bad to ask about that conversation but I kept quiet. After a few minutes she asked if at any time I thought it was wrong.

I told her when I was her age I had not even known about that part of sex.

She laughed and wondered how that could be living with Pops. I told her they kept me in the dark.

We talked about many things. Some do not need to be discussed.

Her mind is searching for answers and for some of her questions, so is mine.

I am trying to remember if I ever thought about these things or was I really that stupid.

0 Bitches:

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