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Posts for Friday, August 29, 2008 (item)

Six Degrees X– Aug 28 2008 by Dani

Posted at 7:26 PM
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Moms asked our guests if they had any plans for the weekend. No, it was the holiday and they usually just stayed close to home. Annie asked Davis if he just stood around jacking off.

Cg1 walked up to him and said no, he has benefits now. Cg2 walked up and said we both do. Moms loved it.

They invited them to spend the weekend. One of the cgs said they didn’t have any clothes and Jen asked who needed clothes.

Cg1 asked Stubby about the nudist thing and Annie said, “Girls?” and the clothes came off.

Davis and company did not know what to do or where to look. Davis was afraid to look until cgs told him they would not get jealous.

Then Mom said, “Guys?” and the boys displayed their toys, all except Stubby – he was shy and was not sure if he was ready to be a nudist. Cgs blushed and did not know where to look.

Pops asked if that answered the question. Cg1 tried to answer but kept stealing glances at his dick. Davis told her he would not get jealous.

Pops told him good. Then he said they were in no way obligated but they could join if they wanted to but there were some rules.

He explained the rules and Moms threw everyone a towel including our guests. Cgs looked at each other and stripped. Davis had the biggest grin and Pops told him to either join or leave – this was no way to run a company.

After Davis stripped, Annie walked over and grabbed his dick and asked the cgs if they shared. They said that was up to him.

Pops stepped in and asked Fire, Red and G to join the newbies. He had them hold their right hands up and grab their crotches with their left.

He told them if they ever told anyone outside of this group anything they saw, did, or watched he would take what they held in their left hand, cut it off, and stick it up their ass.

Cg1 said no one would ever believe her.

Captain said we would set sail in 20 minutes. Everyone got dressed and Pops told them not to worry, there would be plenty of nakedness later.

Hang on – more to come. Not quite done.

0 Bitches:

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