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Posts for Wednesday, August 27, 2008 (item)

Sleeping In Class – III – Aug 27 2008 1410 by Dani

Posted at 4:30 PM
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Business Stats – a class every student should take – yawn – actually I love it and will sometimes play with the numbers for hours.

Pops once said statistics is like a good woman – you can do whatever you want with them. He is right.

I know Pops, too-much-info.

Cg1 took us to lunch. Our campus is not too far from my building. Cg1 rode with me and Lisa rode with Cg2 in their Beemer (they pooled their money and bought a Beemer and a economy car).

When she pointed to a parking garage, I laughed and went around the block. I opened the garage door and parked in the reserved for me spot.

Lisa directed Cg2 to one of Annie’s visitor spots. They parked right next to Annie’s Beemer. The cars looked identical except for the license plate.

The guard game out of her office and told her this was restricted parking and asked which floor she was going to visit. I spoke and she noticed me and apologized for not recognizing me. They call me Ms Dani around the building and she repeated it several times.

I told her to put a sticker on the car, I was sure it would be back.

We walked to G’ brother’s restaurant. Lisa started to say something but I indicated by secret signal to stay quiet. When we walked in the door, he rushed out of the kitchen to greet us and gave us the best table in the house.

Cg1 commented they had been coming here at least once a week since it opened. They always landed in the back. He asked for their drink orders and disappeared.

Cg2 tried to call him back but he was too quick. She said he forgot our order. A very short time later, a waitress delivered our drinks including Lisa and mine’s.

Cg1 wanted to know who we were. Parking spots in a large building, restaurant owner knows us by name and knows what we drink. Waitress knows us by name.

Then five girls accosted us with their greetings and accused us of skipping school.

I introduced all the girls like this. Annie, my best friend and owner of the other Beemer in the garage -Summer, Annie’s piece of ass and my trusted employee and one hell of a limo driver – Cindy, Annie’ workmate, sister-in-law, undecided heterosexual and good friend – Fire, undecided bisexual and trusted employee - G, decidedly bisexual, trusted employee and brother of the restaurant owner.

I introduced our classmates as gay nurses working in the pussy-stretching department at the hospital.

Our classmates were speechless and the waitress brought us each a plate of stuffed crabmeat mushrooms.

I warned the girls that we test taste all his new dishes and they did not have to eat everything or anything. If they want something different, just tell the waitress.

Annie told them that unless they want large asses, only eat a fourth, leave the rest and after the entrée finish off the best stuff before dessert.

She told us to stop by for a swim after lunch – she was leaving work at one

We had a great lunch with many different appetizers then a salad with the best dressing ever.

Next was his new meatloaf – it almost had more veggies then meat but it was excellent. We each had two pieces. We all promised we would swim extra laps.

We finished off the mushrooms and skipped dessert. I told them I had to walk to move the stuff in my stomach to my ass. We walked around the block and back to my building.

I was going to skip the office but I did not remember Annie’s access code so we stopped at the office and I introduced Red and Blackmama.

It was almost quitting time and G and Fire asked if we were going to swim. When Cg1 said they did not have suits, Blackmama told them suits were not allowed and laughed all the way back to her room.

Lisa had to call Stubby so our new friends and I went into my office to lock up our valuables. They commented on my bedroom and attached bath – it was almost as big as their whole place.

They wondered where all my clothes were and when I explained this was more like a hotel room, I lived elsewhere they wondered why. I never said.

We went through G and Fire’s common room and ran into them wearing robes headed up to Annie’s. Cg1 wondered so Fire explained about their living arrangement.

The classmates both thought it was great. When we pushed through the door into the pool they stopped in their tracks to take it all in.

I was already pulling off my clothes. Fire and G dropped their robes and dove it. Annie appeared from her ‘penthouse’ naked and dove in.

Lisa came in almost naked and told them to hurry the fuck up – she had been waiting for this since the first moment we met.

The girls stripped and we all swam laps and talked about many things. Cg1 said she needed some sun time so Annie threw them both a towel and we went to the roof deck.

Annie had acquired some new furniture – specifically tanning chairs. They were nice and warm and Annie threw us all sunscreen. The girls could not believe we sunbathed nude. Lisa told them we do everything nude.

Then things got weird.

Do you know about the 6th degree of separation? Well it was about to be tested.

0 Bitches:

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