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Posts for Sunday, August 24, 2008 (item)

Liz Has An Accident – Aug 24 2008 1652 by Dani

Posted at 5:32 PM
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Liz had a small accident. She peed on her new car’s pristine seats. She peed because of Cindy. They had gone north to a smaller town to eat lunch.

It also gave Liz a chance to pass cars on a two-lane highway. She did fine with that.

But she pulled up to a stop sign and the guy on her left was about 2 seconds behind her coming to a stop. Plus the old rule (I guess it is not followed so much these days) the car on the right has the right-of-way was in effect.

Liz pulled across the intersection and the kids in their late teens early twenties called her something and got on her tail. Cindy told her to slow down. When the car passed them Cindy told her to match their speed.

Cindy stood up in the floorboard hanging on to the windshield and asked what their fucking problem was.

An older guy rolled his window down and asked what she wanted. She repeated her question. Evidently the guy was not smart enough to answer so Cindy told him to go fuck himself.

He said he needed help. She apologized – she had forgotten her magnifier and tweezers. The other guys laugh at him and the guy called Cindy a bitch.

Cindy told him she knew what it was like to have a dick the size of a small pepper and to have it taste so bad even a Mexican would not blow him.

The other guys laughed even harder and Liz started. Cindy started to sit down and the guy said something about not getting laid forever.

Cindy stood back up and grabbed Liz’s head and turned it towards her crotch. She told the guy her pussy had been satisfied by the best lover just a while ago.

She asked him if he had ever had his little tiny dick sucked. The guy said they were not queer and Liz pressed her face into Cindy’s crotch. The other guys hooted and cheered.

Liz was laughing so hard Cindy said it was lucky they had stopped. The guy said something stupid and Cindy told him to move the cock to the other side of his mouth, she could not understand him.

The other guys were laughing so hard that Liz found that even funnier. Cindy told her to go but Liz was afraid of something. Cindy said go now and Liz did but she pulled into the first station to use the bathroom.

She had peed her pants from laughing so hard. When she came out from the bathroom, her shorts had disappeared – she had pulled her t-shirt down to hide herself.

Cindy laughed and laughed. Liz had just had her first accident in her new car.

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