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Posts for Saturday, August 30, 2008 (item)

Moms and Kids And Weddings – Aug 30 2008 345 by Dani

Posted at 4:22 AM
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I was so busy yesterday writing Six Degrees I forgot about other news.

I dropped Moms off at the airport and was driving away when I saw someone jumping and waving in the middle of the street.

I stopped and recognized Momtoo and started backing up. Did you know you should not back up on a one way road in front of an airline terminal even though there was not any traffic. The guard gave me a tongue lashing.

Moms walked up and explained they had just been called and their trip had been canceled.

The guard told me to never do it again and let us go. Moms were supposed to be in Texas on Friday and Saturday to give classes. They were going to fly home Sunday for the holiday and go back early Tuesday to finish up. Thanks to the hurricane the classes were canceled just as Moms were checking in.

We got back home just as Pops got up and had a nice breakfast and good conversation over hot toddy and coffee.

The kids came home at 7 and Liz had them totally hooked in five minutes. On the way to school, Liz told Pops he had the best wives.

Moms picked them up from school and they went for ice cream then went horseback riding.

Liz and B helped Mom bake a couple of pies. Momtoo and gB (the old NB) were making ice cream. I can tell Moms love having the kids around.

Red showed up with Fish at 5 and I do not think she saw him again until he fell asleep in Will’s arms about 9.

As Red was carrying him upstairs. Denny asked Will if he wanted kids. Will said he always did but it just didn’t work out. Denny told him he was young enough and Jen and him were good together. Have a baby. Will said no way, he would not ask Jen to make that decision.

I had been eavesdropping and motioned for Jen to come over. Will did not see me. She stood between Will and Denny and I told her William wanted a kid. Would she be willing?

She turned to Will and told him if he wanted a kid just ask. She was ready but…. Will asked but what and she told him she would not be able to screw anybody else until she knew she was pregnant by him. Will said so….and she told him he couldn’t either. He said fine, he could live with that.

Then she said she had to wait thirty days after going off the pill to get pregnant – he would have to wear a condom. OK he said.

Then she hesitated but I could tell she was very excited. Hs asked what and she said she did not want to get pregnant until she was married.

Will asked how the first week in October sounded. She kissed him and asked how many kids he wanted. He said however many they could make in ten years non-stop.

She said OK and Momtoo yelled for everyone to get the fuck out of the way. She had a wedding to plan and not much time to do it.

She grabbed Jen and told her she could fuck him later. They had to make plans. Red was right on their heels. Pops told William he had just made the biggest mistake in his life.

Will asked what, having kids. Pops said hell no, kids are great. His mistake was letting Momtoo plan the wedding.

Mom hit him square in the back of the head with an ice cube and walked out pissed. Normal whenever he gives them shit.

So the first weekend in October I’ll be a bridesmaid I’m sure.

0 Bitches:

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