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Posts for Wednesday, August 27, 2008 (item)

Sleeping In Class – I – Aug 27 2008 1010 by Dani

Posted at 11:13 AM
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Our first class was at nine today. Cg1 and Cg2 (class girl one and class girl 2) were in good spirits but Cg1 kept falling asleep and Cg2 keep poking her.

We were having coffee (they have great French vanilla) discussing our newest assignments after class and her nap.

We had a graduate student teaching assistant present us with projects he and he alone would oversee. Cg2 said she wanted to over’see’ something of his and Cg1 told her to behave.

Lisa, who was leaning back stretching with her hands over her head, said please do not behave.

Cg1 looked at her tits and asked if it was cold in here or was she glad to see her. Lisa’s nipples were clearly visible – we hate bras – and Cg1 was staring right at them.

Lisa told her it was all her. She asked Cg1 why she was so tired.

Cg1 blamed it all on her friend. We wondered if they were bisexual but her next words disheartened me.

She said she was riding her boyfriend right after they got home and he was just about to make her see rainbows when the stupid, inconsiderate bitch next to her walked into their bedroom and flopped down.

She had just opened her mail and had great news for both of them. The hospital was asking them to take over a newly remodeled delivery suite. They had applied several times in the past for supervisory duties but never won them.

One of their dreams had just come true along with much more money.

After they discussed it and Cg2 went to bed, it took her bf about three hours to finish her. Cg1 only got about four hours of sleep.

Cg1 said her boyfriend was shy – which Cg2 disputed - She said he walks around with his ding-a-ling flopping all the time, but sometimes it could not flop because its single eye was attempting to inspect his belly button or the ceiling.

I really liked that description and had to make a note of it.

Cg1 told her to behave and Cg2 said it was true. Lisa told her not to stop now and showed her nipples.

We all laughed and Lisa asked why he did not just finish the job while Cg2 waited – or watched.

Cg1 said they had got to the point in their ‘fucking’ where her bf talks dirty to her - calling her a whore or slut or tramp or cunt and it embarrassed him because it really made her vocal and wanting more.

Cg2 said she had never heard that before. Cg1 shrugged her shoulders like oh well it is the way it is.

Cg2 said she had to have a little talk while holding his sack hostage. Lisa asked the proper question and both girls blushed and shut up.

Lisa told they had 2 seconds to resume the conversation or she would cause one hell of a scene.

Cg1 laughed and told us they did not know us well enough. Lisa asked that she at least explain the sack hostage, the rest could wait.

Cg1 looked at her roommate and told her certain things were obvious thanks to her loud mouth, so continue.

Cg2 lowered her voice and said when their (notice the word their) bf is ready to make babies sometimes she wants to taste him so she grabs his sack and squeezes hard. It puts him in a holding pattern until she can get the condom off and his cock in her mouth.

Cg1 said it works really well – he says he is in pain but it is worth it. She said she sometimes rubs his taint while holding the sack hostage and he just about goes nuts but his first squirt will land ten feet or more away. Cg2 asked if he remembered what they did to him the first two weeks.

Cg1 told her enough and that was all they would say.

We went back to discussing our mundane class when unexpectedly Cg2 asked how long we had been together. Lisa and I both played dumb and Cg1 told us not to deny it.

Part II coming (right after I do).

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