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Posts for Wednesday, August 27, 2008 (item)

Playing The Field – Aug 27 2008 0125 by Dani

Posted at 2:25 AM
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So I asked B what her deal was. A different boy?

She told me that her former boyfriend did not want to eat outside today so she went without him and met the new guy.

I asked why she brought the new guy home. He was older, he was taller, he was cuter and after she got to know him, he was a great kisser.

Yep, all the reasons I would change boys like I change my underwear – if I wore any – and if I was 14.

Oh, that’s right she is fourteen.

She decided she was too young to be tied to one man. If she were twenty I would have patted her on the back. At fourteen well….

I remember when I was fourteen I had one boyfriend at breakfast, took morning break with my second of the day (he bought me chocolate milk), lunch with the third (he paid and got three kisses and the fourth walked me home who got to see my tits – after he paid a quarter. Then my panties (after he paid a dollar – damn I was easy).

I agreed to go to a movie with the fifth of the day right about mid-night. His late night bedtime talk made me really wet. I could not open my mouth about B.

She told me that she heard it was fun playing the field. I told her it got even better at twenty and shut my mouth.

Playing the field – this girl is going to break a lot of hearts. She handed me her phone and asked me to answer it if a certain someone called and let him know she was definitely interested but was grounded.

Sisters in arms I thought. But her mother (the bitch) overheard and made me give her the phone. She stood her daughter in the corner until she got her voice mail password.

Dearest Mother called and changed her message. Any boy that heard it would not be calling back.

Liz (who is sitting right beside me) said Mommy Dearest made her stand in the corner for almost an hour then restricted her to her room until 7 pm Thursday with NO visitors.

Liz said Mommy Dearest took it one more step and told B who was calling or texting. B had to fully explain and describe each person and what each text message meant.

Someone sent a sexy message and Mommy D called the poor kid back then talked to his mother. Then Mommy D called and got B’s four voice messages – she played them out loud for everyone (I was in bed).

Then she called the people back wanting to know which words they did not understand in her outgoing message.

B says she will not be able to look anyone in the eye tomorrow. I noticed some clothes hanging on the railing (Liz says it’s a banister – need a ruling). Mommy D has chosen her favorite daughter’s outfits for the next two days.

About this time I would have a) killed my Mom b) killed my Mom again to make sure and C) committed suicide.

The outfits are right out of Catholic School Girl except the skirts are floor length and I know will be three sizes too big for her. The blouses are for old (world of olden days for unmarried un-laid old ladies) ladies.

Long sleeved and buttons all the way to the top with lace trim – cannot wear them open at the top or they look silly.

I started to feel sorry for her then I remembered the first and last time I lied to Mom. I have an inch long scar from a back scratcher about an inch from my honey hole on my pussy lip.

Mom’s temper comes with her auburn hair. I have never seen her so mad and have never seen it again except once when I made fun of Pops. That time she grabbed a wooden spoon.

I got away and stayed at Annie’s for three weeks until Mom quit hanging up on me when I called home. It was three days before Christmas when I left home. When I got home she asked for an apology but I was stupid and sort of made it a joke.

She yanked me over the same bar stool she had used when she accidentally scarred my pussy and gave me twelve smacks with the ‘bigger’ wooden spoon AFTER she pulled my jeans down. I cried for three hours I was so embarrassed. Annie and BBs parents were there for someone’s birthday and were witnesses as were Pops and the caretaker.

To this day the caretaker rubs his ass whenever he sees me. Once I showed him my ass. Now he waits to see if I will do it again.

Annie’s dad made my day a few days later when he told me I had the cutest ass he had ever seen. His wife took after him with a wooden spoon too.

I found out later that he had caught her in the bedroom and had used it on her. She liked it.

She finally gave me my Christmas presents on my birthday (April).

I was eighteen – B is fourteen. Kids!

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