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Posts for Friday, August 29, 2008 (item)

Six Degrees The End– Aug 28 2008 by Dani

Posted at 8:16 PM

Moms gave the girls a quick tour of the cabin and Jen loaned them swimsuits, shorts and halter tops. Cg2 asked to try on the dress BBs had been wearing. BBs told her to ask me, it was mine. I gave it to her. She looked great in it.

We heard the boat whistle and I told them we had five minutes so hurry. When we walked across the walkway to the boathouse, Cg1 asked where we were going. Lisa told her it was a surprise.

When we walked down the ramp to the boat they stared and asked whose it was. Stubby said he would show them and took them to the stern.

Davis commented to Pops that it was a hell of a dingy. That’s what Pops had told him and the upper staff during a conference call. Pops had told them he got a new boat, just a little dingy.

Mom told him that was Pops - a little dingy.

Cg2 told her she sounded familiar. Cg1 gasped and asked if Moms worked for so and so. Momtoo confirmed it and asked how their hangovers turned out.

Remember that Six Degrees? Cg1 told everyone that Moms had saved their asses. They were on vacation and had partied until 5 am with Davis. At 7 am they got a call, were they coming for the training? They had completely forgot and arrived an hour late still drunk.

She said Momtoo gave them the evil eye and they had explained. Moms told them to go home and come to the local office at 10 am the next day.

The next day another trainer gave them the compete class they had missed the previous day in 2 hours. Cgs offered to pay but the trainer refused.

Captain backed the boat out and we headed down river. He warned us we might run into low water so be prepared for sudden stops. He made us all put on life jackets.

We all settled on the rear deck and everyone was discussing our prank. Cgs got to talk to them all and share a few more stories.

Stubby asked if they wanted a tour and I joined them while he showed them the boat. He saved the wheelhouse for last and as soon as Captain saw him he asked him to take over – he wanted to make sure Moms did not fuck up his meal.

Stubby took over then asked the cgs which one wanted to steer. Cg2 got the nod and Stubby put her at the controls and explained a few things. Then he said it was hot in here and he backed away.

Cg2, afraid to look back, asked Cg1 what he was doing. When Cg2 heard he was taking off his pants, she had to look. Stubby fooled her, he had on running shorts under his pants but what she saw shocked her.

Cg1 gasped. Stubby had his running leg on. He told Cg2 to get her eyes back on the river. I went over and took the controls.

Cg2 asked if Stubby used to look like a homeless man. Lisa had joined us and said, “See Stubby I was right. You did look like a homeless man.”

Stubby told us he had met the girls at the hospital when he was fitted for his leg. He had taken a walk and his foot was acting up. The girls saw his plight and helped him get his muscles relaxed.

Lisa asked which muscle. Cgs laughed and asked if he foot still did that. Stubby said only when Lisa wanted a foot fuck.

Lisa threw a cushion at him then said it was better than a vibrator. Stubby showed both girls how to steer. Lisa said she was getting hungry and just as she said it Captain rang the dinner bell and we left Stubby mumbling about inconsiderate cunts leaving the disabled gimp behind.

Cgs were not sure how to react until Lisa snuck up behind him and pulled his shorts down. We had to push the girls out the door to protect their virgin ears from his rant.

All they wanted to see was his dick. Lisa told them later and if they were real good to her she might let them sample it.

We had a great meal with lots of good laughs and great stories from Davis about his girls.

We got back to the cabin about 9 pm and then the real party started but it did not last too long.

But that is a whole nother story. Which I will write later.

In summary. There were three people who liked nudism but could not find any others around.

There were two girls in love that shared a common dick that could not find anyone like them.

The two girls had been discussed over two years ago with Pops. Captain had met them and built them a bed and new cabinets for their bathroom last summer.

Moms had met them early this year while doing their job.

And last but not least, they see a girl pull another’s sweatpants out of her crack and decide to sit behind them to check them out.

Six degrees? I call this destiny. I’m sure glad those sweet pants stuck to my pussy too much – unfortunately I threw them away about two hours after we met our new friends. Because they stuck to my pussy TOO much.

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