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Posts for Thursday, July 31, 2008 (item)

How Do You Decide – July 31 2008 by Dani

Posted at 12:01 PM
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How the hell do you decide if you want the doctor to cut off more of your leg?
How do you even approach the question? Lisa decided it was time to come home and get some sleep. Actually Stubby told her if she didn’t, he’d have the doctor ‘miss’ and cut off his dick.

He will not allow her back in his room until 10 am tomorrow when he will tell the doctor what to do.

Lisa came home, took a long shower, drank at least 4 drinks without pausing then told Pops she needed a vacation from the hellhole she was in.

Pops suggested she call Mike and Choc, our friendly asshole psychologists – Choc’s real name is Mark. I call Mike the Brain Fucker Red – we both hate them but we trade emails at least once a week and sometimes daily.

Lisa fired up her laptop and IMed Mike – he responded within 5 minutes - she described everything then he said one moment and he called her.

Pops and I went out to the pool to check on the girls – they were cleaning the deck but it looked more like they were having a water fight.

B asked Pops if he wanted to see her pony – Of course Pops did, they ran off to bring them to us. Cap yelled and told them clothes – NB held up a backpack that was the same color as her tanned skin.

When they rode up the ponies were saddled with matching saddles, blankets and bridles. The girls also had matching white cowboy hats –they looked more like fifty gallons then ten gallons on their heads.

Pops ran to get a camera. It was very cute. I called Red and got her computer address and sent her live video. She wondered who had given them permission to stop work in the middle of the day. Pops told her to shut up.

The girls loved it.

Then Henry rode up to talk to Pops. Cap made some pink lemonade and we all had a rest from the heat.

Pops called Red with a couple of questions. Red told him she had permission to move in IF Pops would guarantee the mortgage. Pops told her there would be no mortgage unless she had done something stupid – Red said she was just the messenger.

Pops told her to call the banker; he gave her the number, and tell the banker a couple of phases from Pops. They were laden with attacks on the poor guy's manhood.

Red called back a few minutes later laughing and said someone needed to go pick up the keys from his wife, who could guarantee his manhood.

The girls offered and they got another twenty minutes of saddle time. Just as they were leaving Lisa came out and asked to borrow Henry’s horse and she rode off with them. She looked much better then she had just a while ago.

I spent the time talking to the office and invited Red out for dinner but she had other plans with my other girls.

I read a daily update, which was new, each of the girls, the contractor and security chief all had a section.

It was perfect. I forgot to mention that Adam showed up at work Tuesday and Wednesday but told them to be quiet. I was beginning to wonder why I chased good guys away.

He was at the hospital waiting for me this morning and I sent him away after a brief hug and kiss. He had wanted to play a joke on me but life got in the way.

I texted him warning the Lisa was here so give us some space to get her healed.

Pops said he has exchanged chess moves several times a day since Monday and he always asks how I am doing.

0 Bitches:

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