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Posts for Tuesday, July 29, 2008 (item)

Mid Day Report – July 0 2008 1550 by Dani

Posted at 5:29 PM
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So I made some lunch, got on Pops’ workstation and screwed around – I downloaded all the files I needed for my new laptop – sent email to my girls and got an update.
Blackmama sent me all my messages – G had setup a database. Fear sent me what she called her Fire list – all the little things she considered problems – she had color-coded them – there was nothing I considered a real problem.

Then I saw a file called fixed – she had handled 125 things today alone – from no lights in the 4th floor bathroom to Madam W mad because the contractor did not come at noon like he was suppose to. As it turned out she had the wrong day.

Lisa called to let us know Stubby was in recovery. She had taken a three-hour nap so we knew things could not be too bad.

Moms and Pops got home – Pops was irritated as he always was after any hospital stay but this time it was because the damn hospital did not have a quality control concept. He was pissed and is meeting with the President next week.

No sooner had he settled then the coroner called with the results of the autopsy. Pops’ long time worker had a weak major artery that had failed.

His heart had tried to fix the problem and failed. The doctor said he was actually dead when the artery quit supplying blood to his brain.

He did not suffer at all. Pops whispered his thanks and had me call the wife. She was happy to know he had not suffered.

But then we got the worse news. The doctor at the local hospital was almost certain she was going to lose the baby.

Pops just hung his head and Mom took over then Momtoo. Momtoo got the doctor’s info and called him. He told Momtoo there was nothing that could be done – her body was rejecting the fetus. He welcomed any help or ideas.

Momtoo called someone at her company and before long there was a conference call between several people.

Pops and I could not follow so we went to the computer room to install the stuff I needed on my new laptop Moms had picked up.

It is amazing how much crap I had on it but Pops keeps an eye on things and he had everything I needed.

Red called when she got home and said she stopped by the cabin and got the company car – we call it BaaBaa – don’t know who named it.

She was concerned because the work computer she had left at the cabin would not let her connect to the Internet at home. Pops talked her through allowing the machine to access the right signal.

She wondered if Pops knew any real estate agents near her little suburb. Pops wondered why she didn’t move closer to town and when she said cost Pops laughed at her.

He wondered if 1) she was still going to work and 2) didn’t she have alimony coming for the next 10,000 years.

She told him she was afraid something would go wrong. He told her to call a guy I had never met but had talked to many times. He told her she should also be looking out by the cabin so that the girls could either walk to work or ride their new ponies.

He told her that Captain had taken her girls and refused to return them. She said she had just talked to her daughters – they want to spend the rest of the summer with Grandpa – Pops say he cannot wait to give him grief.

Moms came in – there was not much else to do she said. She reminded us we need to get to the cabin probably tonight – visitation was tomorrow night and the funeral Thursday.

Mom asked me to take care of him – her and Momtoo were scheduled to be in Washington State tomorrow afternoon through Friday morning. They were attempting to get out of it – Lisa was dealing with Stubby and Annie was still on her back.

Pops told them we would be fine. They had only met the guy three or four times in the last ten years – there was no need for them to be there.

Pops called someone and said we were leaving in thirty minutes. I grabbed a black dress and accessories and I was ready.

He had plenty of suits at the cabin. We kissed Moms goodbye and the bartender from the local watering hole pulled up.

She was taking us 10 minutes west to her sister would take us south for a half hour to where she worked and then a friend of hers would take us to a bar not far from his house that just happened to be Pops favorite biker bar.

Someone would give us a ride or a car to use or call someone for us. Pops and I had done this once before when we had too many cars at the cabin.

We would soon be on our way.

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