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Posts for Wednesday, July 30, 2008 (item)

What to do – July 30 2008 by Dani

Posted at 9:41 AM
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I am bored and feel unwanted and useless. Not really but it could happen.
As soon as it got light this morning, this place came to life. The girls ran dust mops over the floors. They washed the bottom two rows of windows on the window wall.

They cleaned every monitor in the place. And they did a great job – but they would disappear for 10 or 15 minutes between jobs.

I finally had to know what they were doing. Cap had his chef hat on and a funny apron and was cooking Swedish pancakes – he also had a plate of scrambled eggs and another with bacon and a stack of toast.

The girls had already eaten his brown-sugared oatmeal then they swept the kitchen deck.

Next they had bacon and eggs and they dusted the floors. Then they had Swedish pancakes and washed one section of windows, more pancakes and another section and they were on their third helping after finishing the windows.

Next they were going to dust mop the second floor and get honeydew melon.

Cap had not decided what they had to do to get his Cinnamon rolls.

He told me he worked them so hard they were constantly hungry – he was just filling them up.

I grabbed a roll, hot toddy and ate some bacon. Cap said he had three or four more things to complete at Grannie’s today and he would be done.

I told him he would have to give them up before long – he told me he would refuse.

Stubby is having problems – much pain at the surgery site – Lisa is worried – Stubby never complains about anything but idiot government people.

Annie fell out of bed – Summer said she left for two minutes to pee and found Annie on the floor trying to swim. Annie said she was dreaming of swimming. I’ll bet that was funny as hell to see.

BBs called, they (Will, Deni, Jen and BBs) are going to California – Will wants to buy something.

Pops just told me I did not need to come to the funeral – several if not a hundred people were coming so he had people coming here, a couple to stay the night. He would be fine until late tomorrow evening.

I was trying to decide if I should go to work so I called Blackmama – she said it had been quiet – G had a prospective client in the conference room (I did not know we had one) and Fire had just called the lawyer with details – he had sent back a contract.

She informed me that since all us girls had laptops with tablets, when any one requested a document it would be sent to someone else.

That person would cause it to be stored in their workspace then forward it to the requester.

Just a safety device – a document would not be forgotten or lost if two people were expecting it and two people stored it. What a great idea.

Fire said they were installing the steel for the balconies – instead of twelve feet they would be sixteen feet. Much easier to install and not that much more she said.

I am sure I will need medicine or much booze when I open the contractor’s first bill due tomorrow.

Red called and wanted to stop by – she had an appointment to view a house about a half-mile away. I was surprised something was so close – when anything becomes available either Pops or the Banker on the point buy it.

When she mentioned the agent’s name I had to smile – it was the banker’s agent. He had bought a beautiful home across the street and about a half mile down the road.

He and Pops had talked – they were trying to decide if they should demolish it or try to find a nice family to move in. Pops wanted to keep it; the banker and his wife wanted it gone – they do not like neighbors.

Evidently Pops convinced the Banker to save it – Red was in for a nice surprise – the house had just been remodeled and was really large. The previous owner had been transferred to the west coast about 10 months ago then he got laid off.

He sold it cheap and fast to get the cash. I knew what the banker paid and if Red could get it at that price – well, her century would be made.

Plus the house has stables and a paddock and a fairly large pasture. Perfect for a few horses.

To day sure feels like it will be good.

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