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Posts for Sunday, July 27, 2008 (item)

Great Reception 7/27/2008 by Dani

Posted at 8:00 AM
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We got to the big house and it was ready for the reception. It had been decided there would be a short symbolic ceremony then sophisticated catering and drinks (bottled beer vs keg – good stuff in the well vs rot gut whiskey).
Then the ‘real’ party would move to Denny’s parents farm, his current home. The bus would come in handy to move the drunks.

Myself I drank soda at the big house – not sure why.

B and NB went nuts when they saw the pool. Moms had to run into the mall for some things so they invited the girls along.

Pops warned Red to not be mad – it had been some time since Moms had any teenagers around and B and NB would probably figure out anything they pointed out would be bought for them.

Red was scared – Pops said to offer to pay Moms back but then forget about it – Moms were that way. It would make their day.

We were all surprised when all they came back with was a gift-wrapped package for the bride and groom; all had new flip-flops and the girls had new swimsuits. But the mystery was solved when I overhead Moms tell the girls they would go back on Sunday and spend all the time they wanted.

At 6 the bride and groom showed up in wedding dress and tux. The biggest surprise was Lisa in a prefect dress standing up with Cindy. Denny had a best friend on his side.

Pops said that Stubby had bought her an airplane ticket and told if she didn’t go he would never fuck her again. Lisa confirmed it but was not concerned, Cap and Stubby were playing chess and watching baseball when she left and Cap promised they would not drink more then a bottle of recipe.

Pops asked Lisa if she knew how big a bottle recipe was stored in. She thought the same as Whiskey bottle. After the ceremony Pops found the last bottle of recipe Stubby had given him – it was at least five gallons.

A string quartet played the appropriate music. The mayor officiated while Denny and Cindy spoke their self-written vows. All the ladies cried and NB was pressed into service as the ring bearer – she had a beautiful sun dress we had found in BBs closet Friday night with her and Mom ironed it while momtoo put her hair up and applied traces of makeup.

When Red saw her she cried.

B got her heart broken when she saw how happy Denny was with Cindy. But her crush was short lived when Adam then Pops then Will asked her to dance.

Then one of Denny’s friends – prompted my me – asked her to dance and Denny was all but forgotten – oh to be 16 again.

Pops and NB danced over and over – she kept going back to him. I found out later they were working out the girls new jobs as pool ‘boys’ and horse jockeys.

The caterer had pulled out all the stops and had erected an Air Conditioned tent beside the pool. The caretaker had removed two sections of the privacy fence and put down some outdoor carpet as the entry/exit.

The food was perfect and the cake gigantic (Denny’s Dad’s contribution – he loves cake). The girls picked out chicken and mashed potatoes but I do not think they had ever tried to eat fried chicken with a fork and knife.

They were afraid of making fools of themselves in front of all these sophisticated people dressed in their finery. Pops solved the problem when he ate his chicken, mash potatoes and green beans – all with his fingers after he dropped his fork.

Then he showed the girls where the shower was and explained how the pool system worked and they went for a swim. The string quartet moved back after Pops showed the girls how to dive off the top of the garage – it’s his high dive.

At 8pm most people left for the ‘real’ party. I rode over with Moms and Red. At 9pm Moms and I returned home and joined the girls and Pops in the pool. It was a beautiful night.

Then Pops and the girls made S’mores in the pool fire pit. Then they went in to play some computer game. Pops had no idea what they were talking about but he faked it.

I hear Pops and the girls were still up when Red got back from the party at 3 am. Annie and Summer came back at the same time for peace and quiet.

Moms were in bed by midnight – I feel asleep at 10 watching the news. Adam woke me at midnight and carried me to bed but he said I was back to sleep before he got me to the room. He went and played games with the girls and Pops.

Will, Jen, BBs and DenI got to BBs at 7am – they said they had so much fun.

I have not seen G and Fire but a text message said they were fine and really enjoying themselves.

Moms have decided to sleep in and I think I’ll go back for a couple of hours – a good day to be lazy.

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