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Posts for Wednesday, July 30, 2008 (item)

Visiting Work – July 30 2008 by Dani

Posted at 6:44 PM
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Red and I walked into chaos – some guy was insisting he be given my cell phone number or home address.
G held her finger to her lips, Fire told me she would be right with me so Red and I took seats at Fire’s desk.

Whoever this guy was, G was having fun. She asked him sweetly who he was again –she forgot. He called her stupid and told her to pay attention.

I noticed Fire had turned her computer to face the camera the right direction. He started talking and he yelled at her to write it down.

G got a pen and paper and poised to write. He spoke and she started writing but held up her hand saying no ink – Fire threw her a pen that she dropped on purpose and tested it. She held out her hand and the guy said something about no wonder this company was so screwed up.

G was finally ready and the guy started talking real slow. He got about four words in and she asked how to spell it.

I thought he was going to explode. He called her a fucking something and G stood up, walked to him and told him he had thirty seconds to get on the elevator or his balls would be in his throat.

Fire started counting down and pulled a gun out of her purse. They guy started backing up but he ran into Blackmama who told him he needed to apologize first.

He tried to get around her but she was too fast. He checked behind him for Fire and she pulled the slide back. He pushed Blackmama and she trapped him against the wall.

Then G started laughing and handed the guy a piece of paper and told him he had been served.

Blackmama walked toward the elevator and the guy had no choice unless he wanted to be squished.

Once he was on the elevator, Blackmama went with him. I was laughing when I asked G who the fuck that was. Lawyer for the stupid bitch we kicked out Monday.

All of the stuff that was on her floor including several commercial pieces of mailing equipment weighing several hundred pounds was delivered to her house – no one was home so the movers, at our insistence, left it all in her driveway.

She was not a happy camper when she got home and she was even less happy when she got the bills, one from the inventory company and one from the moving company. She is suing us and the dickhead was trying to intimidate us.

Blackmama game back and told us the poor guy got off the elevator but was having trouble breathing – she never touched him she promised. She went back to her phones.

Red logged in and we looked at the daily plan and schedule and all incoming documents for the past two days.

Red asked if I was sure I needed her. G told her to check the schedule for tomorrow, one of the days Red will always work.

If Fire or G wants to take it off they can if the schedule will let them without needing to approve it.

G and Red are extremely busy making inspections tomorrow. Fire has four contracts to deliver and get signed. The contractor will be here at 10 AM for final approval of the layout and to start the pool installation.

I got my car keys from Fire and Red gave them the company car’s keys and I left to take Red home.

There was nothing else I needed to do. And nothing I could invent to do so far as working goes. I feel so wanted.

I dropped Red off and went by the hospital to see Stubby and give Lisa a break. I also found out why Stubby would not be doing much for the next six months.

0 Bitches:

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