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Posts for Monday, July 28, 2008 (item)

Too many hospitals – July 28 2008 2100by Dani

Posted at 10:19 PM
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Lisa and Stubby were at the hospital when I talked to her – Stubby has surgery early the next morning. She would not be home until they released him.
Captain had loaded Pops truck with spare wood and had gone to Grannie’s to make some further repairs and fix a couple of things we had found Saturday.

Will and DenI had flown out to somewhere for an emergency – she did not know where Adam was.

I called my building security but she knew nothing. She went to my offices and I talked her through logging onto the server but the third password would not work. I did not know why.

She told me if she saw anybody she would give him or her my new cell number.

She knew the contractor had been looking for me all day. Fire told me to go around the block she had seen something. It was my cell phone store.

I walked in and explained in 10 seconds – the very young man called someone and less then five minutes later he handed me a phone and told me to charge it before using it.

When I told him I did not have time he came back with three batteries and a car charger. Since I had never changed the battery he showed me and we were gone.

I had 43 messages. I handed my phone to Fire and she did her magic. Then she asked for my spare new phone from Will’s company and somehow she tied us all back together with the corporate system.

She went through and skipped all messages after about four seconds to see who they were and determine if there were any emergencies.

A call from Pops cardiologist scared me. He said he could not reach Moms at home and he did not have their cell phones. His office had called three times and he twice over 6 hours ago.

Red immediately dialed the number and when he answered she asked for a quickie summary – when she laughed I relaxed. She handed me the phone. Pops had gone in to have his pacemaker changed out.

He had not bothered to tell anyone – it should take less then an hour to change it out but the new one did not seem to ‘hear’ Pops heart and keep going to emergency alert.

They had to get another pace maker from the neighboring town to get a different lot so they put Pops under farther while waiting.

Pops had told the nurses that his family was parking the car so when the doctor went out to explain and make sure it was OK to put him all the way under, he got a surprise.

I explained that some asshole had stolen my phone. No problem, Pops had left the hospital about 4 pm and was doing fine.

The third to last message was from Pops telling me not to call and bitch and inform me his head of computers had a heart attack at 8:30 this morning. He was on his way to the hospital and would call when he had news.

The second from last was from Annie’s mom saying she had found Pops and he was fine and suppose to call BBs’ phone.

And the last was Pops again saying the head of his computer division had died at 10:15 from complications of a heart attack – he was one door down from his surgery room waiting for a good pace maker.

Pops did not sound good – I tried to call but got voice mail on the first ring. I called Mom and her’s too went to voice mail – I called Momtoo and B answered the phone – she told me she thought someone had died. Momtoo was crying with Mom and they were talking to Pops.

Then Momtoo came on the phone and filled me in. They were trying to figure out how to get to Pops – I was nearest him and I immediately turned around but then Momtoo told me to come to Grannie’s. The computer guy’s parents lived neat the cabin – he had never married.

So we turned around again but I stopped. We girls made a list of everything anyone would need and made plans - I decided to ‘find’ Pops on the road, join him and the girls could take my car and head home.

Red wondered about her girls so I called Mom and she said Captain was going to take them back with him and they could sleep on the boat or in the cabin or at his place. Good deal.

Then Pops called me – we were less the two miles apart and he came and got me. He asked on one of the girls to stay with us to drive and Red was the only one that did not have something to do tomorrow so she came with us.

I got Pops’ computer and started recording everything as it happened.

About 15 minutes on the way back to the big house, Pops got a call – he did not believe what he had heard but he told Red to turn around – we had a different town to visit before we could head home.

As it turned out, the computer guy was due to get married this weekend – his wife to be worked for Pops’ company in a different office. Pops did not know anything about it so he called his partners – they had heard rumors for years but never worried about it.

Got to go be family for a bit.

0 Bitches:

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