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Posts for Monday, July 28, 2008 (item)

Are All Pawn Shops Criminal ? – July 28 2008 1930 by Dani

Posted at 8:59 PM
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We made three other stops and the security chief for Pops company informed me that my laptop ended up in a pawnshop and someone tried to open the laptop case which caused it to start screaming and sending out message after message – another theft deterrent.
The cops got there about the same time my laptop hit the road again. They did not know anything about a laptop but the cops closed them down anyway because their surveillance system was not working – a must in that town.

Security is not sure where it is at the moment but it did leave the pawnshop and traveled west – probably to a lake. Goodbye laptop – you have been so good for the last two years.

The company disabled my phone and I can stop after five at any shop and pick up a new one.

Our last stop of the day was what I called the warehouse. I remembered the code for the front gate and made it to the second gate.

But the code for it changes weekly just like many hundred security doors throughout the company and we are all sent a message that tells us which part of a certain book contains the code. I’ll say no more but it dawned on me I did not know the code and I did NOT know the exit code.

We were trapped between two twelve-foot fences in an industrial part of a smaller town. The nearest building outside the fence was vacant – the one after that was at least three miles away.

And G’s phone had died and BBs’ had no signal. Since I had passed through the outer gate with a proper code, the outer and inner fence alarms were now off and would not rearm for at least a half hour.

I tried the last code I had and it was rejected. I remembered that if you put the code in wrong three times, someone would be notified – I just did not know who but figured they had to know me.

We waited but we never saw a soul. An hour later I took something metal out of my trunk and tried to pry open the front gate. Fire went someplace to pee and G was hungry – we had not eaten since brunch and this girl does not have much extra fat.

Red was worried about getting out of here and Moms – she wondered if they had killed her kids yet.

At six after almost an hour Fire climbed on top of the car then the fence to try the phone. No luck then G said she knew how to get out.

She climbed on the car, then the fence and jumped down. She went to the keypad and I told her what the code was. When the gate rolled open all of us cheered.

G got in the car and told me she wanted a raise – all the girls decided they deserved one too.

As soon as we got a connection I called the security chief – he was pissed no one had responded. He was at home for the day but he would get someone over to check on things.

He could not give me the codes over the phone – we only received them by email over the secure network.

We found a cell phone store – but it was William’s brand not our normal one. Pops told me we would switch when our contract expired in about a year. I decided I was switching early and bought two of the most expensive phones they had with the biggest package.

I also got a charger for Red’s phone. As soon as we hit the car I called Moms – they were fine, the kids were fine – make sure we stop by Grannie’s on the way home. They had no idea where Pops was – they had kissed him goodbye early this morning and had not talked to him since but he did say he would see us before dark.

I tried to call Will then BBs but I had her phone. I called Annie but she was at the doctor. I did not have many of the other numbers – they were stored in my phone and computer.

I called the cabin and no one answered – I finally remembered Lisa’s number and she wanted to know where the hell I had been all day and where Pops was. The corporate office had called several times.

No one knew where Pops was but I was not too worried – he had done this before but he usually changed his message to tell us when to expect him or where he was. Things just did not feel right.

0 Bitches:

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