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Posts for Tuesday, July 29, 2008 (item)

A Crazy Day – July 29 2008 0040 by Dani

Posted at 1:18 AM
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We visited the bride to be – she was about two months pregnant and not in a good emotional state. We asked about family but her parents were dead. Then we called his parents – they had suspected she was pregnant but had not been officially told.
They loved the girl and asked Pops to get her to them. Pops asked Red to get her a flight and tried to call Cheese to pick her up but decided to call Summer instead.

Red said there were no flights until morning. Summer told Pops she would be there very soon – she would come and get her and deliver her tonight.

The girl said he had a stress test last week and they gave him a clean ticket. Since they were not married she could not even get a report of exactly what killed him.

Pops called his doctor and within an hour found out he had a very mild heart attack but a blood vessel in his brain had probably ruptured first.

Pops asked the girl if she wanted an autopsy but when she was unsure Pops asked for one and told the girl she did not have to know the outcome.

Then Pops asked if they had picked up a marriage license yet. Last Friday she said but it was worthless now. Pops asked for it. I have a feeling they got married Saturday.

Pops made a phone call to the same HR chief that was at my office last week. He told her to make sure everything was set and that anything this mother to be needed better be at her doorstep before she knew she needed it.

That got her crying then me then Red - and Pops went outside to smoke a cigarette. I have no idea where he got it.

About this time Lisa called wanting an update. Then Annie called to see if there was anything her mother or father could do.

Cindy and Denny were in the big town but could come home if we needed them.

Summer pulled up about an hour and 10 minutes later – her limo was very hot to be near and was making all sorts of noises.

Pops figured later she must have traveled at a very high speed to get there so fast – as it turned out she was not far away – she had another fare to drop at a town not far from the cabin and she had come straight here.

Pops made sure she had all the numbers she needed and she and the mother to be was off. She called us not too long ago to let us know she had finished her fare and as it happened her last trip of her limo career and was at the hospital with Annie – WHAT?

Annie twisted her ankle in the bath this morning – her GOOD ankle. They were keeping her overnight – she was due for a scan in the morning anyway and this way they could keep an eye on her. Annie was fine with it – she needed the rest.

So Annie is in one hospital, Stubby is down the road less then a mile away and Pops’ has to do tests sometime tomorrow to make sure his hardware is OK.

Too many hospitals. Red’s daughters are sleeping on the boat. Red, Pops and I are here at the big house and Moms are still at Grannie’s. Right after we got here someone knocked on the door. It was the two boys that lived near BBs.

They wondered if B and NB were still here. I told them they were on their way home but they could check with their mother about when they might visit.

Red met them and Pops whispered in her ear this weekend so that’s what she told them.

After they left Pops said he and Moms wanted to have them up for another weekend if it was OK – they made them feel young again.

I laughed and Red said fine. Pops said she was welcome to come too and bring her boy.

So I think we have everything under control. Fire and G called from the office – they were going to stop at the cabin and get the company car but no one was home so they could not get the keys.

They stayed in my car and went to the office. Fire said there were 45 messages – most from possible clients. Everything was under control and they would call for help if needed. I reminded them Juanita started tomorrow.

We think the funeral will be Thursday afternoon down by the cabin. Pops called a bereavement specialist at a local funeral home to help with all the arrangements.

He gave them the parent’s number and told them his wife was there. Red and I smiled.

Then Red’s phone rang – we figured daughters calling to say nightie-night but it was Dick wanting to know when she would be home – he had something to drop by – he had try to call earlier but just got voice mail when he was down south.

Red told him she was still at the big house. He said later and hung up. Ten minutes later the doorbell rang – I told her to get it, it was for her.

Dick came in and gave her an update and an envelope. The father was going to help with everything and pay child support.

Her ex did not want to go to jail as a pedophile or even have that name applied to him.

Dick had suggested an arrangement for the next 50 years – about the length of time he would have to spend in jail if he was convicted.

The ex had an agreement typed and ready to go when he got there. He didn’t think Red really needed to work anymore – if she saved a little and was not foolish.

Dick shook her hand and she hugged him. Pops asked how much he owed him and Dick said a few beers the next time and he was gone.

Red fell out of her chair and maybe fainted when she opened the envelope from Dick.

Inside were four checks. The first was for all expenses and the past 18 months of child support. The next was for two months of child support.

We think the next check made her faint – it was labeled as settlement for putting up with an asshole and getting screwed in the divorce.

It was a small fortune for her. The next check was for 48 months of alimony and the current month. The alimony payments would continue for the next 46 years.

Red is not sure she is alive – I asked if she was going to quit and she said no fucking way – these checks were for her girls.

She is still in shock but she asked Pops how much horses cost. Pops laughed and said to ask our neighbor next time she was at the cabin.

Red said she could not believe it – she had been fighting her ex-husband for years – and her son’s wiener-less father for almost two and even a high priced lawyer had made them laugh. She wondered how Dick had done it.

Pops said that was something she should never ask him – but he was pretty sure it had to do with sore nuts and fear of the publicity Dick could generate.

One time a guy had told Dick to fuck off. Thirty minutes later two TV crews and several radio reporters and even more print reporters were wondering how he had managed to avoid the police for so long.

They yelled questions for thirty minutes until Dick had said he had just been told he had the wrong guy. Sorry.

Dick got what he wanted. He was good at that.

Pops hardware is acting up – it beeps once every five minutes – that means the battery is dead but it is brand new. I called Moms and woke her up – she gave me a name at the hospital and when I called he asked if Pops could come in right away.

So here is Red, who is wide-awake (and who keeps looking in the envelope in her purse) and me sitting – me typing away chatting with Moms – and Will and DenI, both of whom are talking to their women while I edit what I have written but can’t post because Pops changed something.

Annie has texted multiple times – Lisa called – she woke up to pee and saw my text message.

The surgeon has come out twice – once to tell us Pops will be fine. The second to tell us the pace maker sucked – his words and that they were hooking him to an external device for the night.

We went in to see him and he told us to go home – he had our numbers – it would be 10 am or later before they could try again.

So Red drove us home while I texted everyone with the situation.

Just before we got home I texted Pops and wondered why I could not post – he told me we had a new admin – and people could email us now – WHAT ?


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