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Posts for Thursday, July 31, 2008 (item)

Oven vs Grilled Pizza! – July 31 2008 by Dani

Posted at 8:58 PM
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Pops fired up his grill and Cap fired up the pizza oven (can only cook two at a time) and they wanted our topping choices.
The girls and I wanted plain ole cheese. So they each made one for us. They both also started a loaded one.

Pops’ was done much faster then Cap’s and Pops’ tasted better – even Cap liked it better.

When the loaded ones came off Cap gave up after one bite of Pops’.

Cap sat down and ate some more of our cheese pizza then he watched Pops make a pizza for Red, Fire and G. They said they missed me.

Cap disappeared and we got to wondering about him. Red and my girls had each eaten a piece when Cap came out and offered a piece of his. They liked his better and it was Pops turn to try Cap’s.

Cap would not give us his secrets but when he came out with a pizza for Pops to grill, Pops refused until Cap told him.

Pops grilled it and it was unanimous that it was the best pizza of the night.

They experimented some more and ended up with four or five extra pizzas.

Lisa came out pushing Stubby and I watched Stubby eat a whole pizza. I bet the girls he could not do it. I bet them a trip to the leather shop to buy them some chaps and some cowboy gloves.

I knew I had lost before Stubby had even started.

Once a month Moms would order uncooked pizzas from a shop in town and when they cooked them, Stubby was always near by. I asked what his favorite was and the next time we ordered I got one for him.

He was outside waiting to watch us eat – we had never thought to offer him any – he always turned us down.

But that night I took the pizza out to him with a beer, a coke and napkins. An hour later he thanked me – all that was left was the coke and napkins.

He had eaten an extra large pie all by himself. Even before Pops’ heart started giving up, Pops could only manage a half a pie. We had a new pie champion.

We figure supper is almost over when we hear shouts from inside wanting to know if there was any extra pizza.

BBs, Jen, Will and DenI were here. Jen and BBS said they got tired of the same ole dickheads and decided to come home.

NB and B made that sound that says you did real bad and then giggled.

But NB probably made everyone’s night when she asked BBs what a dickhead was. Red sputtered her beer all over Mom. B told her sister to be quiet, she would explain later and Stubby had to turn up his oxygen, he was laughing so hard he almost passed out. Lisa had to run so as not to pee herself.

Cap decided to have fun and he asked B to tell us all – most of them probably did not know either. B looked around and everyone tried to look innocent.

B told Cap she didn’t have to – they were watching one in action. It was perfect and everyone laughed, even Cap.

Red walked over to her and B looked like she was getting ready to be hung. Red hugged her and kissed her and said that was the best – then she leaned down and whispered to her then looked in her face. I am not sure what she asked but the answer seemed to satisfy her mother – B said her stepfather. Red laughed even more.

A while later Cap was teasing NB about something and she called him a dickhead.

Red covered her eyes and B shook NB and told her that was not nice and took her aside to explain why. I started laughing and before long we all were.

So it is now dark, we just watched the moon set. Cap said tomorrow will be siesta day – it is going to be so hot we’ll all be lying around too hot to do anything – 96 is the forecast. I LOVE it.

Cindy and Denny will be back tomorrow – reception Saturday night at work.

Starting to feel like a really good day for a Thursday.

0 Bitches:

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