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Posts for Tuesday, July 29, 2008 (item)

Very Quiet Day – July 29 2008 1710 by Dani

Posted at 1:38 PM
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It has been a very quiet day for me. Everyone else has been busy but I’ve just been hanging out.
Red and I woke about 9 when Juanita (blackmama – that’s what she wants to be called in the office) called to check on things.

She told me everything at work was fine – the contractors had knocked out much of the floor between mine and Pops - they had already put in braces where they were needed but it was superficial – the steel goes from top to bottom and the floors are ‘hung’ from the steel.

They also cut out the part of Annie’s floor where the pool will be. It was decided that keeping a pool clean in the pollution of the city was silly – so we’ll have an indoor pool to use whenever we want.

The way my girls with Annie and Summer designed this is pretty neat. Blackmama says we are going to have a resort when they get done.

The contractor suggested sunroofs above the ‘make belief deck’. The girls are waiting for prices.

G is out on 5 inspections – Fire is out putting out fires. The stupid bitch that was causing me problems had walked in first thing this morning and demanded to see me. Fire told her I was not here and why. The bitch called her a liar.

I guess Blackmama came out and sort of forced her out of the office and into the fire escape stairs. None of the doors open except ground floor. The security guard would not let her back in her office.

Fire said the eviction occurred shortly after noon by our lawyer with a court order. A professional inventory crew was taking stock right now and a moving crew would deliver the contents to her house ASAP.

G said the wicked witch was dead and sounded just like her.

So the office could run it’s self.

I talked to Moms – they were a half hour from Pops. I talked to Lisa, Stubby was in surgery for at least another hour –she was doing fine talking to Pops nurses (her old co-workers) and keeping Moms updated.

Annie called when she got released – Summer had picked her up and they were heading for the loft.

BBs and Jeni called – anything I needed? If not they were catching a plane to go fuck their men.

I tried to call Adam but got voice mail. Red talked to her daughters and they said Grandpa (Cap) had taken them to a café that floated on the water – they had eggs, bacon, hash browns, French toast, cinnamon rolls, hot tea and tomato juice with a water chaser grandpa said.

Red and I could just see Cap taking care of them. They were going to go fishing with Cheese (they did not know fish liked cheese – I wonder what they will think when they meet Cheese) and then play cowboys and Indians with real horses. Then they have to help Grandpa clean the boat.

Red is confident they are in good hands. She did call the guy that boards our horses – he’ll look around for some good ponies this week and let her know.

I decided that unless Red had her own reason to stay, she might as well head home and maybe have a night to herself before the brats got home. She asked how she would get there and I told her to take Pops’ car.

She checked in with everyone and was gone – did not even take a shower.

I went for a swim and Moms called – Pops had just gone under again – everything looked fine.

Cap called and said he was going back to Grannie’s and taking the girls with him. I asked if he could watch them tonight and he said he was never giving them back.

Cindy and Denny called – did we need them – yes I could use a good fuck – I told them to forget about us – if we needed them we would call.

Annie called and was pissed – she had asked the guys to put plastic over her stuff before they made dust – she even showed them where the plastic was. The guys did put the plastic on – just put the clean side on the wrong side – they promised her they would get it cleaned.

Annie asked about the skylights and I told her it was her fucking floor – do what she wanted – she told me she was kind of groggy –too much good medicine during therapy.

I got Summer on the line and she told me it was the best comic show in town.

So everyone was accounted for except Adam and life was good.

I got a shower, dressed, and headed for the garage to run in and see pops, get a bite to eat and stop by the police station to bitch and sign the report.

I was also supposed to pick up my new laptop.

When I opened the garage door I wondered how I had got so far. It was empty – Red had taken Pops car. The other garage was also empty – Moms had their cars with them. Pops truck was at the cabin, actually it was with Cap.

My car was at the office with Fire and G. The company car was at the cabin. Lisa’s car was back in a shed – it would not start.

I went back in and Moms and that Pops was in recovery and they would be home soon, maybe Pops would feel like eating out.

So I’m here with places to go but no way to get there. How stupid am I?

0 Bitches:

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