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Posts for Wednesday, April 2, 2008 (item)

Dani's Daily Update April 2, 2008

Posted at 7:27 PM
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I am having so MUCH fun with Annie. We (Lisa, pops and I) are passing the remote for her new vibrator around. I know she likes vibrator on high to start and can come quick so I start it on high and when I see the signs (I can read her like a book) I slow it down and then turn it off.

She turns around when it stops trying to figure out who it is. I never look at her. But now you know sweetie.

I keep expecting her to tape pops or even me. Lisa is still hurting so she is off limits for anyone - even pops - I think she has an infection so she called for some medicine.

I still can not get the my damn story on paper - I just can't describe it right. It's a short, pretty simple story - I may give up and tell it to Annie or pops and let them write it. But I'm not quite ready to give up yet.

Moms left mail that they would not be home this weekend - too much to organize and they want to do it exactly right. I told them we get along fine without them - just be sure to send a check once in a while for their part of the rent. Pops told me not to piss them off - they were really good to him last weekend and he does not want anyone making them feel bad.

Pops can not get the firewall to let chat through - it'll let us type one message but incoming is getting stopped. I just suggested he check his server because I know ti monitors the firewall and maybe it's playing games with him. He does not remember a couple of months ago when he had to re-configure for MySpace IMs program. Why can't everyone use the same protocol?

So almost back to normal - at least we all seem glad to be back together.

0 Bitches:

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