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Posts for Tuesday, April 1, 2008 (item)

Annie's Daily Update Apr 1, 2008

Posted at 11:41 PM
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(This post is from Annie - her account can not post right now.)

Well you may have noticed many test posts coming and going. Pops is trying to get the firewall to work correctly. The manual says it will read the 'newest' config file when the firewall is re-installed. But it does not. It is ignoring the config file because it is too old - less the two weeks.
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So he is resetting everything and will 'dump' it to fix the problem.

And I will confirm I have no fucking idea what I just said.

I am not sure how this will format. Hope it comes out OK.

Dani and I slept until 4 pm this afternoon. Lisa and pops returned from the airport about 3:30 and went right back to sleep. Moms called at 5:30 to tell us they had arrived OK and everything was fine. That's when I went to bed. I am not sure when Dani went to bed - it was sometime before that.

Pops was up around 10 he said has worked on the firewall almost all day.

I almost forgot - when pops got home at 3:30 and went to bed I joined him very shortly after and told him I needed some cock. He turned on the side lamp and asked if I could wait until later - I put his hand between my legs and he pulled the covers off. I showed him my ass while I sucked on him and I told him after a few minutes I want a Drive-By-Fuck and that is exactly what I got. I guess I forgotten how good they were - I have really missed them. Missed them so much that after I had a shower this afternoon I went over to him and bent over showing my ass and said Drive-By. My goodness he comes a lot - but the four minutes I come are well worth it.

So all is well with my pussy and almost well with the computer system. Lisa told Dani she did not want to see another dick for a month. Maybe pops fucked her a lot where ever they want. I overheard her tell Dani her holes were still sore and it had been two days. There is something I am not being told or too stupid to understand.

Dani has a story almost ready - I may post it yet tonight. Oh, one other thing, no I do not work from home - not much anyway. I am on forced vacation - use or lose it - I had ten days that would have expired so they 'forced' me to use them. I don't mind - this has been fun and my people have not fucked up at all so it was also a confidence builder - I now trust them a bit more then after the first meeting.

I did have a strange call - the big bosses secretary (you remember the big boss - right? - if not find the story) called to make sure I was OK. I have not answered any company internal email and someone was worried. I'll send him a perfumed thank you for caring card and let him explain it to the wifey.

Heh heh.

0 Bitches:

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