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Posts for Tuesday, April 1, 2008 (item)

Annie and Dani's Update Apr 1

Posted at 1:35 AM
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I do not like getting up early at all. But since I did not go to bed until after 10 and only got about 3 hours of sleep I feel pretty good.
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Moms, pops and Lisa got back about 6 this evening. Pops asked me what size batteries my new vibrator used. When I said triple AAA he handed me a sack - it was very heavy.

I have not counted exactly but there were at least 20 packs of 8 and it only uses 2 at a time. He told me to let him know when I got down to 10 packs so he could replenish my stock.

Moms and I talked for about 20 minutes and then they all went to sleep. Lisa gave me a hug when she walked in the door and went straight to bed. They have a four am flight to catch. They asked me and Dani to either stay up late or catch a few hours before getting up at 1:30 to make sure they were awake and getting ready.

Lisa and pops are taking them to the airport.

So Dani and I both got up and woke them up. And here I sit - wide awake. Hope you liked my vibrator story. I love my vibrator - I tried to put it in Dani so that I could wake her up but she made me leave it alone.

I asked pops if one of his buddies in electronics could make me a remote that controlled the egg randomly. Like a surprise every so often but no more then 5 a minute - slow mode for 10 minutes then a surprise. That could be fun.

You know I've never checked the manual - maybe it already had a random shuffle mode ?

So I'll be heading to bed after a few more drinks - my eyes are heavy but my mind is wide awake.

Mom just came in and whispered to me that she would like for me to try and get pops hard when he gets back and to let her know the results. She said she would explain why when I let her know. I wonder what the hell that is about. I probably won't like it - then again maybe I will love it.

So have you looked for my new blog yet? Let me know if you find it.

0 Bitches:

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