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Posts for Sunday, August 3, 2008 (item)

Missing Privacy – August 3 2008 8:25 by Dani

Posted at 9:22 AM
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Pops and I got lots done today. With only the two of us I can concentrate longer periods of time.
Pops can answer my questions quickly and when either of us talks we don’t have to figure out who is talking to whom.

Whenever I find something I want to share I can just read it to him instead of sending it to him – it makes it more personal and I can adjust my voice for different emotions.

I have found I can make him hard with just my voice. I just realized how much I miss this privacy with him. Even when Lisa was here we knew which person our comments were directed to.

And Lisa and I could ‘gang’ up on Pops and get him so turned with our comments and voices he would lose it and just fuck us for him.

This morning I ‘pretended’ to read a story about Red. I was just making up as I went – I sat on the edge of his desk and played with myself while telling the story.

He stood up fucked me hard and quick. I came when he came. He cleaned us up and we went back to work. He asked if I had fucked her yet.

I told him to ask her.

Moms called to let us know the trip went well and to give us emergency numbers. They asked about Stubby but we had not heard anything. She found that odd and asked me to call and send her email.

I tried to call Lisa but got her voice mail. I tried IM and still no luck. I called and asked for Stubby’s room and did not get an answer. So he had been admitted.

Pops decided a trip to town was called for. Later.

0 Bitches:

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