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Posts for Saturday, August 9, 2008 (item)

A Beautiful Day – August 9 2008 1325 by Dani

Posted at 1:45 PM
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I found a great little coffee shop right around the corner – they have the best coffee and scrambled eggs and blueberry muffins. Open at 4 am to serve a bunch of people who work the 6 am shift at a local company they already had the morning rush.
They told be they do lunch from 10-12 for the same people and close shortly after that. The night shifts are skeleton crews only right now.

She told me that from 7 to 8 am M-F I will probably not be able to get a seat but they do take out and I can call ahead – got them on speed dial.

The kids called (B and NB) wanting to know where I was. Red had to go help a friend at the last minute so their plans for the day were screwed.

I called Red to verify and she told me not to feel obligated. I do not feel obligated – I really like the kids – they are much more fun then Pops and Captain, in some ways.

I checked and Pops and Captain were going into the Bed & Breakfast to finish up one suite and talk over plans with the kids that bought the place.

They told me to bring the girls out around 4 and they would be glad to entertain us all – I told Pops I needed one kind the other girls don’t know about yet. He asked if I was sure – I hope so.

I called the girls back to let them know I was on the way. When I got down to the garage I was totally dumbfounded. My car had been stolen – my brain kicked in and I called Pops.

My car was in the driveway at home – I had come into town with them and they had left me here when I was too sleepy to continue.

Red had one company car and Blackmama had taken the other to visit relative in Chi-town. Pops and Captain were already at the B&B and everyone else was gone.

I dialed Summer’s brother and they had me a car in fifteen minutes. I was surprised. When we got to Red's the kid's friends wondered if I was a rock star.

I saw the company car sitting in the driveway so I called Red and she told me to take it, she had her own. The girls were disappointed but I fooled them and told the driver to take them to a popular restaurant on the landing.

I followed and we had lunch – the doormen and hostess treated the girls like royalty. They loved it. And the food was great.

We came back to the office and started designing a kitchen for Pops – one of the jobs he had assigned the girls.

We had just started when B’s phone rang – the pool boys were going to be cleaning the pool at two – would the girls be there?

I told them we had to finish this job first AND we had to do it well. To my surprise they agreed but told the boys to delay pool cleaning until three and they should be there by four.

They settled down and put a floor plan together, made rough measurements and drew a rough scale diagram. I gave them little input. Their knowledge and life lessons surprised me.

Their life had been so different from mine. I did not know that most fridges’ doors could be opened from either side – just change some hardware.

Brings to mind the time BBs, Anal and I were at college. We decided to put our kitchen table where the fridge was but the door opened the wrong way so we went looking – we exchanged fridges with some guys two doors down.

I think Annie might have exchanged something too – I never did ask – we could have probably changed the hardware. Oh well.

The girls did an excellent job. I took a picture and sent it to Pops. Captain was impressed and wants the girls to look at one of the rooms they are getting ready to remodel. No one has come up with a good plan yet.

So I typed this as the girls worked – NB wants a frosty (I have no idea what that is) and we are heading for the B&B for the girls next project then on to the cabin. I feel mommyhood kicking in - what do the call them? Soccer Moms - but I'm a Transit Mom.

0 Bitches:

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