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Posts for Thursday, July 17, 2008 (item)

My Queer Night by Annie

Posted at 3:56 PM
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Last night after work my boss and I went to a beef house in a downtown hotel and had an absolutely great prime rib with all the trimmings. It was awkward getting to our table with the wheelchair but everyone was great about moving out of the way.
After dinner she had other plans (probably involving her pussy and a dick) so I had a date with a guy I met yesterday morning. He was at the company trying to sell something (software I think) and he helped me get my wheelchair unstuck in a doorway.

He looked really good so I flirted and got his cell phone number. When I called he was getting ready to start his pitch so I told him he could continue it at 8PM and gave him the hotel name.

At 8PM when I rolled in I had discovered how hard people in wheel chairs have it. The doorman escorted me to a door on the side of the building that let me roll right in but then I had to go all the way to the other side of the building to find an elevator to take me down three feet to the mezzanine and a very long dark hall to get to the bar I wanted. Most people just walk down three steps to get there and across a short hall.

The doorman was great and apologized several times and even got me some free drinks.

I think it is not good for me to mix wine with whiskey – (thanks for the new bad habit Captain) no sooner had I finished my first glass of Jack I had to pee. The guy carried me to the ladies’ room.

He was a real gentleman. The first trip I lost my bra. The second trip I changed into a short skirt I had in my bag. The third trip I took off my panties.

I wondered why he really did not seem interested but he was one of the best flirts I’ve had the pleasure to flirt with.

At about 10 I decided it was time to get my pussy filled. I suggested he help me to his hotel and he said he couldn’t – his partner was there and would get pissed if he brought a strange girl home.

I suggested he help me home – he said fine and he carried me to the front door then carried/pushed my wheelchair to the front and pushed in up the little steps to the outside.

I mounted it (you guys have to get you minds out of the gutters) and he kept up while I wheeled it home. In the elevator I rubbed his leg and let him look up my skirt. I noticed he did not seem to have a very big hard on – I hoped that at least he could get me off.

When we reached my floor he seemed surprise I had the whole floor. He was also surprise to see Denny – I noticed his cock was a nice size now.

When I invited him in he turned me down saying he had to leave now. His partner would really get mad. Jeni was either totally sober OR had much better radar. She asked what his partner’s name was.

When he said Tony, I called him a bastard and asked why he had flirted with me so much. He was hoping for a big sell. I headed for my bedroom – I was pissed.

Jeni talked a few minutes to him – Denny left them alone – he does not like gay guys. When he came into the room I turned the wheelchair to talk to him and I hit a table with my bad foot – hard.

The doctor says I broke it even more this time and he put a real cast on it and told me he would spank me if I tried anything stupid again.

While he was facing away writing me a prescription, I hopped down and pulled my shorts down and bent over. When he heard something and turned I asked if this was stupid enough.

The old guy looked at me, asked why I could not have broken my ass and he moved towards me. I was not afraid, he was old and I was just having fun.

He had decided I needed a shot. That damn needle was two inches long. Normally he gives the shot in the arm but it was so tempting and he had it in his hand.

I do not mind being spanked – in fact I like it especially if I can get laid afterwards or during.

But I HATE shots. I HATE needles – I can not even give Pops an insulin injection with a little quarter inch needle. I HATE needles.

Now one thing did catch me off guard. It was not the freezing alcohol wipe on my ass, it was not his hand on my ass pushing me to the table to hold me still, it was not the needle going in (hurt like fuck) or coming out, it was the slap he gave me on my ass right where he had given the shot – a hard slap – a slap that made me forget all about the shot.

My pussy got so wet I was embarrassed. He told me to hold still and I spread my legs. He asked if I was always so horny. I asked him if he was asking as a doctor. He said hell no, as an avid ass watcher.

He wiped my ass cheek with another alcohol wipe and slapped me again. I spread wider. I dared him to check my temperature with his thumb or finger.

He told me to hold still and stay bent over. When he came back he placed something cold at my butt hole and pushed. A fucking thermometer.

He asked if anything hurt and I told him I had a pain about two inches in – he asked in where and I took his finger and pushed it into my pussy.

He sighed and said he was not sure there was anything he could do – he didn’t think there were any bones in there. I told him that there had to be – I had lots of boners in there.

He laughed and slapped my ass again and told me to get dressed. I acted very depressed but I did get dressed.

When I walked out of the room he was standing there with a miniature version of himself. He introduced us. It was his grandson. I leaned close and asked if he was gay. When he said no I grabbed his hand and turned for the room. I pulled my hand out of my purse when the doctor said just a minute.

I held my hand with the condom in it above his head and dragged him into the room .

Ten minutes later I walked with him to his grandfather’s office. He asked grandpa how many other hookers’ he doctored. I smiled at ‘gramps’ and walked out the door as I heard ‘gramps’ tell him I was not a hooker. I wonder what will happen when I go back next week.

About two hours later my phone rang. It was the grandson wanting to know why I had embarrassed him. I asked how he got my number. He admitted he stole it.

I told him I hoped he also stole my address – if he did and was here within a half hour he could fuck me as much as he could for an hour but then I had to go.

His half hour is about half gone – I wonder if he’ll make it.

0 Bitches:

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