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Posts for Tuesday, July 15, 2008 (item)

Annie Update by Lisa

Posted at 2:06 AM
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I was sleeping so good – I went to bed when Annie’s stepbrother got here. I was worn out – luckily I had made my bed this morning – Dani has not made hers yet.
I guess Annie wrote a post and was on her way upstairs to hopefully get laid. She broke a cardinal rule and turned off the stair lights before she climbed them.

There are four landings – the first is to turn a corner; the second intersects and joins the back stairs and also has a hall that leads to a deck; the third is the second floor and leads to the balcony that surrounds the second floor and looks down on the great room.

The fourth landing leads to the to top floor and a partial balcony. This is the floor Cindy’s room is on – right at the top of the stairs.

Cindy had thrown her quilt on the floor next to the railing and Annie tripped on it when she turned.

She fell all the way to the landing – about 15 stairs – I don’t think she broke anything but she did a face plant – her nose was bleeding badly – her right ankle is swollen as well as her left knee. Marks all up and down her torso.

Her right boob will also have a big bruise and her left butt check had burns from sliding against something.

She is laughing now but her screams woke me up and I thought someone was being attacked. I reached her right before Denny. She tried to walk to her room but Denny finally just picked her up and carried her.

He had a hard-on and his cock was bouncing against her back as he carried her. She felt it but did not know what it was. He was soft when he got to her room and laid her down.

Pops chuckled and Dani lost it. Cindy was scared but giggled and I thought it was the funniest thing in the world.

When I looked at Cindy in better light she had a stream of cum in her hair and another stream across her left tit and stomach.

She said Denny had just started to cum when he heard the scream and said it was Annie. He pulled out of her mouth still shooting while he climbed off the bed.

She said it was his third blowjob of the evening and he was just starting to eat her for the second time when they heard a thump then the screaming.

I am trying not to laugh but it just seems so comical in my mind.

I got Annie some ice packs – Dani found some heavy duty Motrin and Pops gave Annie a flashlight and a smack on the butt.

His rule is the stair lights go off at the landings NOT when climbing stairs. He said it was a wonder she did not go over the railing.

I’m wide awake because I need to check on Annie for a couple of hours to make sure she does not have a concussion and to make sure her ankle and knee do not get worse.

Cindy just got her a drink – Denny and Cindy are also taking care of her – Cindy feels like it her fault and Denny – well she’s his big sister – has to take care of her or his step mom will kick his ass.

Pops just shutdown all the lights on the way to bed. Stubby was still up and noticed all the lights so he came down then went out and cut me some splints in case I need them.

He brought them to her room and I guess he was not expecting everyone to be naked. That didn’t stop him but I did notice he was taking long looks at Annie, Dani and Cindy – I figure he watched me too I just didn’t catch him.

He also offered some of his recipe but Annie knows better. I figure it has to be great for pain.

After he left Annie asked Pops if he ever gets any. Pops said he is sure Grannie fucked him a few times and the younger (35 or so) woman that works for Cheese’s wife had said he stops by her place one or twice a week but that was a year or so ago.

Pops thinks he is about 55 but his skin is so burned and wrinkled from the sun and smokes it is hard to tell. His hair and beard are gray and it does not look like he combs them much.

Dani told me when she first described him that it looked like he was always squinting – she had no idea what color his eyes were and I agree – you can not really see them.

His back is sort of bent funny from walking on his peg leg. He looks like he gets all his clothes from dumpsters but Captain told us many guys give him their old stuff and he just wears what he wants.

Captain also said he is one of the richest river people he knows. He fits the miserly type.

Well I’m going to see who’s up and online out in Internet land. Later.

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