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Posts for Wednesday, July 16, 2008 (item)

Blog Update July 16, 2008 by Cindy

Posted at 7:59 PM
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We finally got Annie to shut up and go to sleep. She is NOT happy – she is a terrible patient.
But this episode of her life has let me see a side of Denny I probably would not have seen so soon.

He has waited hand and foot on her and when I asked why he let her boss him around he said he loved her like a sister.

Besides, payback would be a bitch. I asked him what the payback would be and he said it always involved his cock - in a good way.

Annie yelled for me and I told her to fuck off I was busy. She came hopping on her good foot and grabbed the bottle of wine - we had finally let her have a glass - and went hopping back.

I told her she was not to be on her feet and she told me she had yelled twice and felt bad because I was so busy so she got it herself. The way she said it told me she was pissed I had not dropped everything to help her out.

A little while later she yelled and I went in and only said two words - "Yes, Master". She was not happy and I did not care. She told me she needed a hard cock. I brought Denny in. I got him hard with my mouth then I told him to fuck her and hold nothing back. He fucked her hard and made her suck his cock when he came.

He asked if it bothered me that he was fucking someone else. I told him as long as it shut her up I did not care and he could not care if I fucked someone else. I could tell I hit a nerve when he asked whom.

I just shrugged my shoulders and said whomever. He was pretty cool towards me until she yelled for something and he went in and told her to shut the fuck up and go to sleep.

He came back out - sat away from me then asked whom I wanted to fuck. I went to my knees and crawled over to him and said any hard one I found then I sucked on him.

I was hoping to make him forget the question. When he was nice and hard I laid back and told him to fuck me hard. He did. My pussy still hurts but it is a good hurt.

We crawled into bed and after we snuggled he asked the question again. I never answered him.

Two hours later I was forced to my face - my ass spread far apart and he fucked/raped my asshole until I passed out. I cannot believe how hard I cum and how good it feels.

We woke up together - actually he woke up earlier and I sucked his dick then he fucked me. I do not remember any of it but he says the motion during the blowjob and fuck is great - better then when I am awake.

I have watched the video of me sleep sucking - I do not see what I am doing differently. Denny told me it was in my throat.

I did dream last night that I fucked and sucked him so maybe I am not totally asleep.

At 9 am someone rang our floor bell and I heard Annie and Denny arguing then it got quiet. Annie had called someone and had a motorized wheel chair delivered.

She had taken a shower and gotten herself dressed and went to work using the wheel chair.

Denny was pissed and I did not know how to deal with him so I kept my mouth shut. I knew if I called she would be too busy or send it to voice mail so we walked over to work.

When we walked down her hallway she rolled out of her office and turned away from us. It looked like she had been born in that wheelchair.

She was in perfect control. Denny pulled me behind a cubicle and we spied on her for several minutes then he pulled me out of the office.

He told me he did not know why he was worried – he should have known better. I asked what he wanted to do and he said fuck. So we did all morning AND afternoon.

I forgot to send this to Pops as I had promised to do last night so he called me but I had a cock pounding my ass and I just remembered.

I called Lisa and she said she would take care of it. Sorry it took so long.

Dani and Lisa spent all day helping to get the pool open at the cabin. Pops was busy with his computers and Captain is finishing the kitchen in the boathouse.


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