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Posts for Friday, July 18, 2008 (item)

Blog Updates for 7/18/2008 by Lisa

Posted at 12:35 PM
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Update #1

Aren’t we all terrible?
We all had fun yesterday. The grandson called Annie at 2am this morning. She called his grandpa and he said he would handle it.

The kid called Annie again and she called the police and reported phone abuse and gave the number he had used. It was his girlfriend’s house.

So it’s not even 7am and we have already had TOO much activity this morning.

So excited, Captain is planning to bring our boat back today. We sure hope so.

Update #2

At 1045am the doorbell rang. We girls were busy cleaning so Pops pulled on a kimono (only thing handy he said) and opened the door.

He and Captain had been talking when the doorbell rang. It was the deliveryman with another package for Denny. He asked about the girls and Pops acted confused. What girls he asked?

When Dani and I heard it – first we had to cover our mouths so that he would not hear us laugh. Then we indicated to Captain to grab a kimono and go out and help Pops.

He grabbed the shortest he could find and pulled it on then went around the corner saying gay things like honey and lover and acting like a perfect gay guy.

Pops caught on and told the guy there had not been any girls here in years except for the big fat grandmothers that come and clean on Thursday.

The deliveryman insisted he had the right place and Pops got very threatening when he asked the young man if he was accusing him of lying.

It was so funny Dani and I had to close the bathroom door and cover our head with towels. We both peed a little.

After Pops closed the front door, he ran to the bathroom and told us to hurry and get on the second floor deck that faced the road – maybe we could get up there before he got up the road.

We were about a minute late but the mailman got a good view of T&A – we are still laughing.

Update #3

Denny was at Annie’s place when Dani called him to warn him about the deliveryman – she was not sure if he had a package or not.

Denny said he was leaving with Cindy to go down to Six Flags but there were some workman who were installing stairs from Pops floor. They had already cut the hole in the floor – he said the place was a mess – they had moved all the furniture and covered everything with plastic.

Pops got on the phone and ended up talking to the boss. He asked him to play a joke and setup the deliveryman.

The guy called Pops back about 12:20 and told him the deliveryman had just left after leaving a package for Denny. He was so confused because he was told no one but his crew had been up there for the last four days, that a guy called Denny was going to live here but he was out of country and they had done everything over the computer.

The deliveryman left a note on the package to please call him and he gave a number. He said he looked pretty dazed.

Captain and Pops are trying to decide what the next trick will be. I heard Pops trying to get the guys name from the delivery company.

Annie called and she is also trying to think something up. She also told us that Grandkid showed up at work. She had security hold him until Gramps could get there.

Gramps promised her if he did anything else he would call the police himself. Annie said she pointed out that if she had been satisfied when she left his office, none of this would have happened in the first place.

That is so funny.

0 Bitches:

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