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Posts for Wednesday, February 6, 2008 (item)

Lisa's Daily Update

Posted at 2:51 AM
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I cannot believe that I had the ending of Annie's story all this time. I taught her how to post today - glad I did. She's just went to bed about an hour ago.

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We got moms to the airport on time and they are in upstate NY visiting an old friend then will be in Germany sometime Friday.

They have open-ended tickets - if they are disappointed they might go someplace else. If they love it we probably won't see them till the end of March. Pops told them they have to be home for our birthdays.

Everybody's birthday is in April. I wonder what that says about us. Anybody up on that stuff?

I finally got to meet the new people from Japan tonight. They are pretty cool. Their web cam kept cutting out but we still had a good time. In about an hour a girl I met a couple of years ago in KC is going to hook-up with me.

We had a great time then - I wonder what it'll be like. This will be my first time actually broadcasting video - most times I only let the audio out.

Annie - who is on vacation the rest of this week - came back to stay for a few days early yesterday morning - she's writing something else but won't let me see it.

She is still new to running around without clothes - whenever pops comes into the room she crosses her arms over her tits. I keep going over and pulling them apart telling her I want to see. Once I caught her from behind and cupped them and rubbed them.

She gave me hope when she leaned back into me and stayed until pops came in. That time my hands already covered her boobies. :)

Pops leaned over as he was going to bed and told her that if she didn't let me fuck her soon she'd get raped. When she said promises, promises I went over and starting rubbing her shoulders and then moved to her ass. She asked me if it was true but I didn't answer.

I gave her a squeeze and asked if she knew where my bedroom was. Then I went to bed. She never came in. I plan on waking her up in about 6 hours.

I do not know why I am so attracted but I am.

Well now things should return to normal. Pops has modified the blog making it real easy to post long posts. He does not have to do a thing anymore. Maybe he'll be able to get the stories ready to go faster.

I hear Dani stumbling around - she loves getting up so early but it takes her about 30 minutes to wake up. She makes the tea - her and pops are the only one that drinks it and lately there has been coffee - I can smell it brewing as I type.

She won't have moms to cook this morning - pops and I have already talked - we are going to see how long it takes her to finally cook. We got to clue Annie in though because I hear she is a good cook.

0 Bitches:

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