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Posts for Wednesday, February 20, 2008 (item)

Pops is Satisfied - And so are we

Posted at 6:13 AM
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Last night I called a ‘pussy’ meeting. I was frustrated and felt I was neglecting my duties as Alan’s caretaker.
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When the girls had all gathered I asked them what the fuck we were doing. We were all healthy young women that would only live life once. Why were we throwing away some of our best times?

BBs stood up and stripped off her panties and remarked that she had been so horny she was ready to lose her mind. Dani asked why she had not visited anyone or taken care of the problem.

She commented that since Jen had a feud with pops she didn’t want to step on any toes.

We all looked at each other and Annie offered that we were all being stupid – we were being competitive in one way but respecting each other’s feelings.

Dani whispered that we were supposed to be helping one another and not creating problems. Jen agreed and reached the same conclusion as me – we were all to take care of Alan – at least moms had asked us to.

I advised them that my duty was to make sure he was healthy in mind AND body. And the body part included making sure he was sexually satisfied.

We were all doing a fine job of keeping him aroused but we needed to finish the job.

BBs said orgy time and suggested a course of action. We also agreed that no panties meant we wanted cock. Dani agreed but insisted we not tell pops for a couple of days. See if he could figure it out.

We marched downstairs and pops had just finished a glass of his favorite beverage, his first of the day and BBs grabbed his hand and pulled. He never said a word, he just allowed himself to be lead to the ‘fucking’ ottoman (it is an oversized ottoman that is at the perfect height for pops to be on his knees and the girl to be on her back or stomach on the ottoman. He fits perfectly.

When I first arrived he always called it the fucking ottoman. I thought he hated it until I saw Dani spread out on it. Then I got it.

He jokes he had it custom built. But it fits the couch in front of it so well that we are not sure. All we know is that if we put him in his back we can straddle him – two of us if we like – and we can either have ours knees beside him on the ottoman or can straddle both him and the ottoman.

In fact it has been used for many positions. Dani loves to get on her knees and have pops take her from the back while he is standing.

Dani once commented that there were four of the ottomans scattered around the big house – one in each of pops and moms bedrooms and one in the family room. They got a lot of use.

Last night we laid him on his back and BBs climbed on sitting on his dick. We had already decided that once we came, the next girl got her turn. If pops had not come when we had all got off, BBs would perform her famous jerk off and we could all enjoy his cum. We also would try the slow fuck that Jeni had shown us Sunday and she would provide suggestions and critique us later.

BBs took about ten minutes of excellent slow fucking before she was so horny she impaled herself on him and when he started getting hard she came.

Jeni, would was still unsure if she was completely ready took him next before he was completely hard. As he got harder and MUCH longer she claims, she lost control and fucked him fast and deep.

Pops stopped her for a moment to insure he didn’t come then he helped her finish. She pointed out that even the pros need it fast and hard sometimes.

Dani went next and gave up the slow fuck two minutes in. She said watching Jeni’s body, especially her ass move had pushed her too far. She came harder then the rest of us and pops held her to him until she collapsed on his chest.

I went next and made it about ten minutes – Jeni and pops both were holding my ass and hips and showing me how to move. I don’t think I had ever fucked slow before – at least not the I remember.

His cock was touching parts of my pussy I didn’t know I had. The sensation was absolutely incredible. I did not want it to end.

When pops was adjusting his hands on my ass to spread it farther he touched my butt hole and I came immediately. It was still a slow orgasm that gradually built to a great ending. WOW, I should have tried this a long time ago.

Then it was Anal’s turn – she started slowly – very slowly – it took her five minutes to finally bury him. Jeni asked if it hurt or if she needed lube and she replied she was teasing her pussy.

Pops said she was teasing his balls. He almost lost it waiting for her to make contact. Annie said she didn’t need any lube – we had already supplied it.

Pops made her stop several times to keep control and Annie made it about five more minutes before she started going faster. She gradually sped up until her ass was a blur of motion.

She was coming off of him almost all the way and slamming her butt back on his balls. He spread his legs farther to let his balls get out of the way. We saw him grimace a few times when she hit extra hard.

She started coming – really slow at first but it built into a continuous groan and then she buried her self on him, grabbed her boobs and squeezed and made us all enviable of her orgasm. After a couple of minutes she stood up and offered her hand to pops.

Pops seemed to be weak – he said it was the lack of blood to his head – his other head was hogging it all. BBs grabbed his other hand and Jeni lifted on his back.

When he was standing BBs sat down and grabbed his cock and pulled him to her.

She started her two handed hand job and pops moaned. I asked if she needed lube and she said he was so slippery she was having problems getting a good grip.

Pops’ cock was soaked as well as his pubic hair and balls with all of us girls’ juices. Jeni moved behind him and rubbed his butt then slowly put her hand into his crack. He actually spread his legs.

It was like there was some unspoken agreement between them and she ran hers fingers over his butt hole and taint stopping at his balls to cup and massage them.

To pops credit he did not jump when she touched his forbidden hole. In the end Jeni massaged his butt hole for two or three minutes and pops just moved in response to BBs hands.

He told us he was close and BBs started kissing his head and licked under it which made pops jerk. All of us girls knelt beside her and formed a semi-circle around the side of pops.

BBs keep telling him to come on her face and then she’d suck the tip of his hard-on. He grabbed her head with both hands, pushed it back a little and shot his first load into her face.

Before he was done, BBs wrapped her lips around the tip and sucked and pops moaned louder.

She turned him to face us girls who were all looking up to his cock and she directed the rest of his squirts to our faces and bodies. She kept jerking him off.

When he slowed we each got to suck him a little and feel his balls swell and shrink to our touch. When he was done, he sat on the ottoman beside BBs and Jeni pushed him back and started licking his cock and balls. Annie joined her. Dani was scrapping his cum off everyone’s breast and faces and swallowing it.

As pops went soft he warned that he was completely satisfied and he would not be getting hard for a while.

Annie deep throated his almost soft cock and Jeni asked him if he wanted to bet. He said yes, the biggest dildo up her ass if he didn’t get hard in five minutes. We all chuckled when she turned him down.

Dani started gathering the towels we had used and pops told her to buy a couple of dozen more the next time she was in town. The way we were going we’d use the whole supply in a day.

We heard the washer start in the bathroom and she came back with washcloths to clean us up but pops stood up and said he’d warm up the pool shower (it would accommodate three or four people) and he asked us to join him. He said he guaranteed he would thoroughly clean everything between our legs and our breasts but it would be quick and the rest was our problem.

We all took turns getting our ‘good’ parts washed and we all cleaned his good parts – he never jumped when we cleaned his butt hole.

When he came out he said never in his life had he taken on five women at the same time nor had his privates been washed so many times in one day let alone during one shower.

Annie pointed out that he had forgotten to wash his hair. Jeni and I decided we needed our hair washed too so we took pops back and washed his hair and after he rinsed he told Jeni that they were not my hair(she was washing my tits) and me that Jeni might have hair on her ass but he was pretty sure I was supposed to be washing the hair on her head.

We didn’t notice he left until we asked if he needed cream rinse.

After we were dried and content with a drink, Dani decided we needed chicken fajitas and Jeni said she made a killer salsa.

It had been a great evening. Before we ate we all visited upstairs and got our exhibit clothes on. At dinner pops said this was the first time he had eaten with five fully clothed women that he had fucked in the past 6 hours. Normally they would all be naked.

We told him he fucked better after being teased. He told us that we were wrong. We fucked better after teasing him all day.

Dani got a little pissed when she dripped salsa on her silk pullover. We all looked at one another and ruled that eating time would be topless and off came our tops.

Pops said he had just forgotten why he was there. He’d be nothing but bones and skin in a week if he tried to eat with us and he took his plate and left.

Dani told us not to worry - he always liked eating while watching the evening news and surfing the web.

We discussed our new strategy and none of us had any suggestions. I asked if any of them had noticed anything. Jeni said pops was getting use to us playing with his butt. Dani said we were not being short with each other and the whole place seemed more relaxed.

Annie paused for a moment before sticking a salsa laden chip in her mouth and said that her greatest observation was that we were all smiling.

That was it. That’s what we needed.

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