••NOTE ADULT ONLY-If you are under 18 NOTE••

Posts for Monday, October 6, 2008 (item)

Liz’s Surprise – Oct 6 2008 by Dani

Posted at 8:15 AM
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Last Friday afternoon, BBs and Jeni arrived for the weekend. Pops asked Jeni to collect the girls from school and asked her to test drive Liz’s car.

Jeni called telling Pops the car was fantastic but she wondered if she was at the right school. Pops wondered why she thought that then he recovered. He apologized saying he had forgotten the kids were off school that day – he had just forgotten.

On top of it all, Stubby had asked to borrow Pops’ Roadmaster to take Liz driving about two hours before.

Liz and Stubby showed up right before Jeni got back and Liz seemed upset that her car was gone. As soon as Jeni got back, Liz hopped in, changed the music to her own, revved the motor a few times and waved at us.

She had asked us all to come out, she had something to show us. Then she did a burn out to the first corner and a slide around the corner then punched it.

Pops commented that she was never going to get her license driving like that. Stubby held something out to Pops. Pops took it and was very surprised. He handed it to me – it was a state ID.

Liz had gotten her driver’s license and a state ID. Pops wondered how she had gotten it early. Her birthday was not until Saturday. I looked at her birthday and started counting with my fingers.

I always have trouble with years and have always used my fingers. I counted twice and commented that Liz was 18 according to the date on her ID.

William took it and said they must have made a mistake. That’s when Stubby handed Pops a piece of paper and Stubby walked away.

Pops looked at it, handed it to William and then Lisa gave us the news.

First, Stubby thought his daughter was sixteen. He had lost several years of life with her and many of those years were spent in an alcoholic haze.

Stubby had dug out her birth certificate. When he showed Lisa she made fun of him – it was the worse thing she could have done.

Second, Stubby thought the minimum age to get a driver’s license was eighteen. He never had a license – only rode his trike and had never been stopped. He drove a tractor but had never driven anything else with more then three wheels besides the 4-wheelers.

Lisa said that Liz was studying for the test when she noticed the age requirements. She had passed all the tests and had plenty of driver’s training at her old school.

All she needed was 4 hours of driving when she got her permit. She just never told anyone.

So surprise, surprise – our Liz is a little older then we thought – she seems to be a very good driver – and her father thinks he has screwed her life up again.

Pops called Liz and asked to come back home. He climbed in and told her to drive like an old lady.

They were back in less the five minutes and Liz ignored everyone on the way to find her father.

I heard she yelled at him for an hour for being so stupid then they had a smoke and she forgave him and all was well.


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