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Posts for Tuesday, October 7, 2008 (item)

Missing Posts – Oct 7 2008 845 by Dani

Posted at 9:17 AM
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If you seem to be missing some posts I made last afternoon and evening, well, you are.

I went with Liz yesterday to the court house and a few other places and we did some research. It started out making sure how old Liz is.

The copy of the birth certificate we got yesterday and the one she had from her old school were hard to read. We were not sure if she was born in 90 or 89 – it is very hard to read. Pops suggested that it might even be 91.

Stubby solved that problem late last night when he produced the original birth certificate. She was born in 1990 so that makes her 18.

The other thing she was looking for opened so many other avenues that we both became overwhelmed. This morning after talking to her I killed my posts from last night.

Stubby came to the rescue and at 7 am we met with his people – lawyer, accountant, financial adviser, banker, and some guy that knew everything the others didn’t.

In summary, it is none of my business and as Pops says, if you did not experience something first hand or talk to the person who did, it is best to shut up and not start rumors that are not true or based on guesses.

One thing I did experience – Liz said she was quitting school. Pops put her over his knee and used his ping pong paddle to extract a promise form her that she would not stop her schooling until she got her PhD.

Stubby extracted a couple of other promises from her while Pops held her down.

One surprise came at 730 when Mr. Nerd showed up – he was worried about Liz. Liz smiled, walked to the door, gave him a big hug and kiss, which totally embarrassed him, and told him she would be busy for a couple of days but he could stop by after supper whenever he wanted.

Then she asked if he liked older women. He was confused until she told him she was 18 not 16. He asked if she liked younger men and she grabbed his ass – which made him blush even more.

Pops turned away and said under his breath – damn, another one. I am not sure what he was talking about.

Liz told everyone to chill, she was taking Mr. Nerd to school and she would be right back.

Stubby, who had sat out on the deck during the entire conversation usually with Pops and I beside him, came in wondering if something was wrong. The guy that knows everything? – he told Stubby his daughter needed a chastity belt.

Stubby told him he was too late. I do not know if Stubby knows something I don’t or if Stubby was joking, it is hard to tell but know-it-all just grimaced then chuckled.

Liz got back and Lisa asked if it was as good for her as it had been for her and Liz said she knew better – her dad was so uptight he would never be able to get it up until she talked to him. Lisa called her a bitch and said she was right.

Liz told the know-it-all to get busy – she was sure breakfast would be ready soon. We all heard Captain say about fucking time and heard him shuffle some pans and dishes around.

Pops and I went back outside with Stubby and even I had a cigarette. Stubby wondered if Liz would change and Pops said she will get worse. I told them the girls would not let her.

Pops agreed to some extent but now Liz was an adult and would be making several adult decisions that B and gB would not even begin to comprehend.

Before he finished the statement I was called back into the conference. Liz wondered if I wanted Strawberry or Blueberry muffins – HUH? She laughed.

Then I was handed a single piece of paper with just a few sentences. I called the office and asked for a conference call with everyone.

I swore all to secrecy and briefly explained the piece of paper.

Red had two or three questions, Fire wondered about a couple of things and Blackmama said she wanted a raise. Liz found that very funny.

In the end I repeated the secrecy clause, and signed my name. We had a new client.

Liz hopped from the table she was sitting on and told all the guys to talk to her people from now on and went outside.

She held out her hand, took the smoke and let Stubby light it. Then she hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

I started to leave and know-it-all asked a question - I told him to call my people and gave him a number. I went outside.

Pops came in wondering what happened and I handed him the paper. He saw the signature and asked how it felt.

I told him it was lonely at the top and decided I wanted another cigarette.

Captain came out and wondered if the others were staying for breakfast – they were all busy on the phone and ignored him.

Liz walked to the door and yelled at them that if just one of them ever ignored Captain again they would all be looking for new jobs. Captain chuckled and went back in.

Liz told her dad that this could be fun. Pops told her to hang on, things were about to get really crazy. Liz said it was his job to make sure that didn’t happen.

Pops wondered how he got sucked in. Liz asked if he was an officer with my company. All he said was damn.

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