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Posts for Friday, October 10, 2008 (item)

A Beautiful Day - Oct 10 2008 by Dani

Posted at 4:41 PM
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This has been an absolutely beautiful day – perfect if you were to ask me.

Pops would not let us go to Grannie’s – was not sure if we might be needed. The florists setup the flowers and decorated the tents, decks and great room. They had not planned to do the boat but gave it a gallant attempt when asked.

There are over 1000 roses, all different colors in so many different arrangements. Many are singles with a plastic test tube attached to provide water and nourishment.

Moms told Pops this is what they wanted for their next anniversary.

Moms and Red went over their notes and plans. So far everything is going just fine and is all on schedule.

Captain has nine BBQs going out in the driveway and side yard. He is cooking pigs and a side of beef for the rehearsal dinner and the future. It smells so good each time someone opens the garage door.

Liz won the Moms/Pops pool – they came down at 8:15 looking like they had not yet been to bed according to gB. Mom asked what her what she thought that meant and gB without hesitation said that somebody was getting lucky.

It was so funny. Now every time one of the Moms leaves we ask if they are going to get lucky. Once Mom grabbed Pops and dragged him up the stairs. He protested she had already got lucky four times today. He did not get away.

A little while later Pops walked up to the balcony and announced to the world that Mom had just got lucky.

I heard one of the decorators ask who Mom was. I yelled for her and she came to the balcony. I told the decorator that was Mom – she is giving a special two for one today – and I left.

I have not heard anything yet.

Liz s learning how to make margaritas but she CAN’T taste test them – she must leave that up to Momtoo. I commented to Liz that Momtoo, the lightweight, would not last long and she could take over the testing.

Liz took one sip and said it was terrible. I told her to give it a chance – might take a few years to get use to it but once she did, it would be a luxury.

Momtoo told her that was the point, they taste terrible until the tequila kicks in then they become addictive. She might be right.

Still have not met anyone interesting but the old marm did stop by my desk and say my outfit (shorts and sweater w/tennis shoes) today was MUCH sexier than yesterday. WHAT?

The distributor is here setting up the bars and beer tubs. The bar tenders are here setting up the bar backs and figuring out where their cooling trailers will be parked.

Pops and Captain decided they did not want too much traffic on the lawns so Cheese took a barge to the distributors dock and loaded beer trucks and tap trailers and tubs on board and then parked it at the dock this morning.

One of Cheese’s guys is using a 4-wheeler to move the trailers and tubs around. Cheese is laying 2 by 12s for the beer trucks to park on. It sure looks to me like we might be expecting thousands of people. I’ve never asked and don’t see anyone that knows.

Jeni is due here at 6 pm. BBs is picking her up from the airport. As far as I know, everyone else has arrived. Jeni staying here just to make everything easy.

We girls got a peek at her wedding gown that the shop delivered today. As Mom said, it is breath taking. Annie wondered about its cost and William whispered it was worth more than all of our cars together. There were eight of us there with cars, 2 with customized Stangs, two with Mercedes and three Cadillac SUVs and one expensive foreign job. They would not let us examine it closer but it must have diamond buttons or something.

Stubby took many of the heartier guests on a tour of our peninsula – he was staying on the paved roads until one of them said they were not afraid of the woods. Stubby phoned for help – he needed someone to take over the pavement pounders while he took the cave dwellers in deeper.

Henry and Rose went to help him. Debby was going to go but her morning sickness is really bad. Moms asked if she had tried their suggestion. Debby said she had not found a good candidate. Moms said they would help.

I can’t wait.

Well that’s about it for now. I imagine I will be busy when the party starts in about an hour so don’t be surprised if we are silent until Monday.

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