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Posts for Wednesday, August 20, 2008 (item)

Stubby’s Surprise – Aug 20 2008 242 by Dani

Posted at 4:14 AM
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Woke up feeling great this morning. Got my hot toddy and sat down to clean out my Imail accounts. Been lax the last few days.

I was absorbed but I heard someone hit something and they cursed. I looked up and saw a young girl walking down the stair sort of limping.

She plopped down beside me and asked if I was having trouble sleeping too. I said I always get up this early. I took a better look and she was rubbing her toe, saying she didn’t see the first landing.

I assumed she was a friend of the kids and I asked her name. She told me Liz short for Elizabeth or you can call me fucking stupid like her dad.

I looked again and se looked familiar. She asked what I was doing and I said catching up on my email.

She was sitting in front of a terminal. She asked if it worked. I told her to move the mouse. She asked if she could look around and I said yes. I told her she could also surf the net and she demonstrated she knew how to use a computer.

She checked her mail and went to a popular teen site and then to MySpace.

The monitor lit her face up and I swore I had seen her before. She glanced at me and said I must be Dani. I shook her hand and told her she could call me the fucking idiot.

She had a nice laugh. She leaned forward and her boob almost fell out. She pulled her top closed and said these damn things get in the way all the time. I laughed and told her I wished I had such big problems.

We did our own thing for a while and I asked if she wanted some tea. She said it sure did not smell like tea. I told her she was too young for hot toddy. She asked what it was and I explained. Then she asked if we had any soda. I told her where the bar was and how to open the fridge under it.

We both got back at the same time and did our own thing. I asked how long she had known the kids and when she said she met them last night I wondered what the hell was going on.

About this time I heard Pops’ shower running and she asked who that was. She told me Pops was really a nice guy.

I told her to try living with him a while before passing judgment. She laughed and said she would do that. I had no idea what that meant.

She turned to look at something and hit her toe and said fuck. I looked at her and she apologized and said she would have to change her ways. She was not use to being around others kids that could not cuss or decent adults.

I asked what she meant and she told me she had used the word prick to describe someone last night and the kids did not know what it was.

I asked if she gave them all the definitions. She said yes, was that wrong and I told her I was not sure.

Pops came down and asked if she was having trouble sleeping. She said there was nothing wrong with her bed or room. It was awfully quiet but the problem was her brain mulling all the changes. Plus she had slept on the plane the entire trip.

She was worried she and her father would have problems. Pops told her not to worry, he was sure everything would be fine.

She asked if Lisa was really as nice as she seemed and we both said nicer.

He told her if she had any worries come talk to him or me. She hugged him and said she’d be right back.

I went back to studying the daily plan for today and Pops asked what I thought. I said she seemed like nice girl. He asked me to talk to her about anything she wanted and to not pull punches.

I agreed and told him it felt like I had met her before. He said he doubted it.

She came back and leaned over to ask if I had any feminine products. I told her where to find them and she said any day now, she hoped.

I looked at her and Pops asked like he asked this question everyday if there was a possibility she might not need them. She said only if her emotions screwed her body up.

Pops said good. After a perfect pause she said he did not have to worry about that, she had plenty of condoms and Pops laughed out loud and told her not to tell her father.

I determined that I was missing something. Pops noticed I seemed confused and Pops whispered to Liz wondering if she had told me who she was. She said no, she thought it would be fun not to.

I looked at them and could not figure it out. Pops stood up and told me he would like to introduce me to Liz, her nickname was BB, and she would be staying with us for a while. I shook her hand then looked at Pops and waited.

He was not finished. BB looked up at Pops and smiled and I saw Stubby. Then Pops said Liz was Stubby’s daughter.

Pops asked Liz if she had ever seen so many stunned looks and she said only on the first day she left her bra at home.

Pops laughed and I stared.

I told her that I had known her father for almost ten years and he had never mentioned a daughter. Was this a scam. She laughed.

Then she explained everything to us. When she was done she stood up and said she needed to get some sleep and left. Besides she said as she walked away, she knew how hard it was to respond to her story.

When she reached her room she leaned over the banister, cupped her boobies and said big boobs, no boobs and boobs pointing to the respective kid’s rooms. Pops chuckled and whispered yes they were and they will get you in trouble. I laughed.

Pops and I looked at each other and both admitted we liked her.

I just read Lisa’s post. I’m glad I am not the only surprised one.

And now that I have had my surprise for the day I need to get to work.

0 Bitches:

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