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Posts for Sunday, August 10, 2008 (item)

What An Exciting Night – August 10 2008 0525 by Dani

Posted at 6:21 AM
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I left the girls with Pops and Captain at the B&B. They were still discussing the remodeling of one room.
It was difficult because the room sits over the kitchen and has two chimneys coming from below but only one is operational. It also is next to a stairway leading to the next floor. There is no insulation so every step a person makes is clearly heard.

The girls had some really good ideas. Captain was really impressed.

Before I left I reminded the girls of the pool boys and Pops said they may not get to see them today, they had too much to do. NB stuck her tongue out behind his back. B hit him and told him they were leaving with me.

Pops backed off and said he would get them home very quickly.

I left planning a stop at the Farmer’s Market for some sweet corn and green beans and hopefully strawberries. Captain and I had created the menu – crab cakes followed by chicken breasts with country veggies and strawberry short cake for dessert.

It took me less then 5 minutes to get everything and I was on the way home.

We call the road leading from the main highway the drag strip – it’s about 3 miles long, straight and level and ends at the river. Near the end is a road that leads to Henry’s, Red’s, our cabin, the banker’s place and a boat ramp.

I had just turned onto the drag strip when I saw Pops’ truck come up behind me. He honked and flashed his lights then pulled around me.

He has straight pipes on all his trucks, big V-8s and a performance computer chip. I could here it go through the gears – he never lifted so I punched mine. I will not say where my speedometer tops out but it is higher then normal.

I could not catch him – when he made the turn onto our road he punched it and slid it sideways around the corner – it looked good from my vantage and I heard his pipes rumbling.

The girls were looking backwards and smiling – I punch my Mustang and caught then passed Pops. The girls were cheering. When I was a half-mile from our drive I checked my mirror and he was gone.

I realized I had been had – he had gone four wheeling through the woods. He had me beat.

I did not see Pops truck when I pulled into the garage – I wondered if he had hit something. When I opened my trunk to get the groceries I heard him – I wondered how I had beat him.

When I walked into the kitchen I saw that I had lost – he was parked on the kitchen deck - well sort of – two wheels were on the deck and a third on the stairs. The fourth was in mid air – he always did this to rotate his tires.

He and Captain were talking to the pool boys. The girls were whispering to each other probably trying to find a way to make the old farts leave.

I yelled for them and the girls smiled. I told them to invite the boys for supper. A call to their home and a conversation between Pops and their mother sealed the deal.

Captain and I started cooking. Pops came in and said those boys were no danger at all. He fired up the grill and an hour later we all sat down to a great meal.

The boys had great manners and were good at small talk AND embarrassing the girls. It was fun for all.

Pops and Captain started a chess game and the boys watched. We girls went up to powder our noises according to Pops and we talked for a few minutes.

The girls went down and suggested they take a walk. They made it to poolside then B and her friend disappeared. Pops was watching the cameras and playing chess at the same time.

He asked Captain if he saw where B got to. Captain had not so Pops went to find her. I was watching this from the 2nd floor outside my room – I told him the old picnic table behind the cabana.

He cursed. When he came back he was a little upset – with me. He asked if I told those kids hands always on the outside. I said yes.

He wondered what her mother would say – I told him to call her. He did –when he hung up he said something about fuckin’ women. I asked what she said and he chuckled.

“She asked that I make sure she was doing it right – she didn’t want her daughters to miss out on anything” Pops said. Captain and I laughed and Pops went back out to the pool. I stuck my head out the 2nd floor deck door and yelled at B that Pops was on the way.

Her voice surprised me when it came from the second floor deck. She and her boy had moved up there to hide from Pops. I laughed and reminded them about hands on the outside of clothing.

She said yes ma’am and I called her a bitch. Pops yelled for B – NB said they had headed toward the river. There are lots of places to hide down there. I told her to show him the Crow’s Nest. She thought that was a great idea.

I fell asleep laughing at Pops yelling and did not wake up until 500. Over nine hours of sleep – it was so peaceful.

The girls are asleep in Momtoo’s room – they look so innocent but I wonder if they really are. Pops is in his room with the Olympics on – he must have fallen asleep watching them. Captain must be in the boathouse.

When I logged in I had a note from Pops saying the girls were both grounded – NB for letting her boy touch her butt and B because she disappeared for two hours and when she did show up, his shirt was on backwards and her top was out of whack – whatever that is.

He told me not to let them sweet talk me and confine them to their room. No TV. I laughed and laughed.

That will last less then five minutes. I’ll tell them to go sleep with Pops.

So I had a real exciting night. Adam has not called back or shown up. I do not know what to think.

Today will be a good day, Annie and her crowd – Summer, Cindy and Denny – are stopping by to say hi on their way home.

Red is bringing Fish out to breakfast and to spend the day. The pool boys were originally coming over at 10 am so that the girls can show them what they learned at Grannie’s – maybe Pops canceled that.

I’ll make the girls cook breakfast as punishment for pissing off Pops.

I want to make sure I hear the conversation between Pops and Red - it’ll be a good one.

That was my exciting Saturday night - boy I must be getting old.

0 Bitches:

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