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Posts for Friday, August 15, 2008 (item)

Chess Update – August 15 2008 by Pops

Posted at 4:06 PM
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Stubby had been kicking our collective asses. He has won every match in our tournament. Adam is next, followed by me then Captain. Annie still has four games waiting for her.

Physically he is still weak and still using Annie's wheelchair to get around. His wounds are healing nicely and he says he has almost no pain. He also said it was OK to drink around him - the smell no longer nauseated him. He didn't even miss it anymore.

The miracles I saw yesterday at Stubby’s cabin are still occupying my mind. He let me bring home one of his carvings. It is of Mom. I took a picture of and made a side-by-side picture with a photo about two years ago. I have yet to find any major or for that matter minor differences.

I sent it to Momtoo this morning – she wanted to know how I changed the photo to look like a woodcarving. I sent her a photo of me holding it next to my head.

When Mom saw both photos she thinks she is being tricked – I give up until she can see it in person.

I asked Stubby if I could video or photograph his miracles. He agreed but he wants to approve everything before anyone else sees it.

He gave me another carving that totally surprised me. It was of Lisa sunbathing nude, lying on her stomach with legs spread wide. She was on her elbows head lifted as if she was looking for the sun. Her tits were hanging perfectly. He said he caught her earlier in the summer.

I took a picture of it and used gimp to give it shadows and highlights. It is not quite right but I showed Stubby and he wants to know what else I can do.

I asked how much he knew about computers. He asked if I had one that ran BASIC and had a decent graphics card. I sat him in front of my UNIX terminal and he wrote a program to draw math functions. Set a few endpoints and it will draw different pictures for hours. He types faster then I do. I do not think he touched the backspace key.

Then he asked if I had vi (it’s a UNIX test editor). He worked it even faster. Talk about hidden secrets – this man is full of them.

But his dog has been banned from the house. He had acted perfectly until about an hour ago. I made Stubby some homemade grill pizza and the leftovers were on the counter. I told Stubby he could take it home.

I also had laid out several chicken breasts to thaw. At some point when we were distracted, Skippy ate at least two of the breasts and the topping off the pizza.

The other breasts were hidden under the ottoman for later. Little sneak. When I tossed him out I put the breasts out with him. He promptly hid them in different places around the cabin.

Stubby started to yell at him but I stopped him – it was my fault for not thinking. The only people food Stubby gives him is raw chicken. Skippy just thought they were his.

Stubby does not understand why he ate the pizza. The one and only time he gave him a bite, Skippy spit it out and ignore him for a week. He hopes we have not started a bad trend.

I got up the nerve and asked him how much education he had. He responded with, “Too much for an idiot” and never answered the question.

I sat him in front of Gimp a few hours ago – I have not dared look at the screen. He has not spoken a word but I saw him text something on his phone. He just put me in check – the cheeky bastard.

0 Bitches:

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