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Posts for Sunday, August 10, 2008 (item)

B May Have Gone Too Far – - August 10 2008 1210 by Dani

Posted at 1:15 PM
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When the pool boys did not show up at ten I assumed Pops had canceled their plans.
At noon I heard a familiar teen scream – there were boys nearby. Sure enough, the pool boys were getting their stuff ready to clean and the girls were getting ready to show their stuff.

Red flopped beside me and told me to never have kids – Pops and Captain said amen to that.

We sat in peace while Pops and Captain watched the beginning of the NASCAR race and played with Fish. Captain had made him some blocks - 10 different sizes and shapes – Pops’ contribution was finding a shiny finish that Fish could chew on without killing himself. Pops had dipped the blocks in the finish several times and had even sanded them between final coats.

Red and I were reviewing the Daily Plan for tomorrow looking for a way to include a surprise trip to the nail salon – Red and I both have broken nails – benefits of being the boss – having a meeting at the nail salon.

Red pointed out that Blackmama would not be at work on Monday and the nail salon was closed today so Tuesday would be better - we could make reservations tomorrow. I pulled up Tuesday’s daily plan, which was empty and reserved 11-1 for full staff office meeting – location yet to be determined. Her suggestion worked well.

Red told me that whenever I needed someone whacked just call her.

We heard B calling from the pool. When Red looked out everyone went with her. Pops said to be ready for anything.

We all looked and B asked her Mom if this was OK and she planted a kiss on her friend. It surprised him more than us.

She looked back and her Mom shrugged her shoulders. Then she pushed the boy into a chair and she straddled him and kissed him again.

Red walked out to the pool. B stayed on the boys lap. It looked like she was gently rubbing him.

Red apologized for her daughter and pulled her up by her ear. She told the boy her daughter was at that age that she sometimes did stupid things. And it was best if she was embarrassed and cooled off. It made her think.

Red spun her daughter around – pulled the strings on B’s swim suit bottom - she held on to the bottom as she push B into the pool – without her bottoms. We all saw her bare ass.

She told her that no on was allowed to get her a towel or anything to cover her ass. She could use her hands if she wanted to get out. She knew the boys had to go home in two hours so she had plenty of time to ‘think’ about how she got here OR she could show off her ass by getting out of the pool but the boys were to catch her and push her back in.

She told the boys that if she did get out, let her get almost to the cabin before dragging her back – they could see her ass longer.

The boys were not sure what to do – Red turned around and said that each time they threw her back they each got $10. NB wanted to know what she got. Red said the same as the boys.

Pops and Captain asked and she whispered something to them. I saw both their faces light up and she went inside.

Pops and Captain told the boys they would help them catch her and hold her until they felt like throwing her back.

I heard Pops ask the boy if her ass felt good. B called him a dickhead. NB was laughing her head off.

We heard a scream – B had pulled her top down to cover her ass but Captain caught her and Pops got the other hand and foot and carried her back to the pool. They had her on her back so the boys were seeing more then her butt.

Red sat down and said B would be so embarrassed she would not talk to her for a month or more. Then she would complain three or four weeks then they would laugh about it and it would be forgotten.

The last time she had used embarrassment was the time B bought some thongs. Her mother said she could only wear them with her. She caught her at school with one peaking out of her jeans.

She forced her daughter to wear her thong on the outside of her jeans and she took pictures with her cell phone.

She sent the pictures to her current crush and her best friends. B refused to talk on her birthday to the woman that had ruined her life.

Red said fine and ignored her the next two weeks. B had finally apologized and they started talking.

We heard another scream then splash. I asked her how long she was going to let them drown her and she said until Pops and Captain got tired of it.

I asked what she had promised them and she asked me what it was like to do two guys at the same time.

0 Bitches:

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