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Posts for Wednesday, April 23, 2008 (item)

Dani’s After Dinner Update

Posted at 8:13 PM
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So this is the best – we are at a 10 star resort and I mean ten count them any way you want. My suite of rooms is larger then Moms and Pops at home.

Each of us has our own suite and personal concierge until Friday morning when we leave. This is an old friend of Captain’s. When she and her daughter welcomed us it was like we were old friends. And the crew that took the GirlsPops (her newest name) over to dock her knows more about her than we do.
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Thirty minutes after we had departed the boat every deck was polished and they were cleaning the windows. When they got done every visible surface had been polished and some not visible.

Captain did an inspection and noted a few minor details and announced the land crew ready for business. Pops gave them a $1000 tip for such a quick job. Captain told him to ask him first next time. Pops was afraid he had screwed up but it was nothing more then the owner overruling the captain. Rules of the river. Captain said later he had no idea if $1000 was too little or too much – he had never tip for a boat cleaning before – he always bought the crew drinks.

We arrived here about 2:30 – Captain said we made excellent time and pronounced his crew ready. Lisa said not yet and Captain wondered what he had missed.

Lisa asked if all his needs had been met and more importantly had all of her needs been met? Captain said that should be part of off duty time and Lisa said no fucking way – schedule it next time. Captain was heard mumbling about scheduling sex – what happened to spontaneous? I told Lisa what he had said so she went down and gave him some spontaneous. He now spells it sex and I know that on Friday at 11pm I’m scheduled for some.

I’m going to ask him to bracket it by maybe a couple of hours.

And then at supper we got the biggest surprise. The lady and her daughter are Captain’s daughter and granddaughter. We all thought back to how we had described or addressed the Captain. He laughed and said we were fine.

The supper was cooked by a tiny Asian girl that looked to be about ten but she was actually 24 and had perfect English and was a better cook than Captain or for that matter anyone we knew.

So we are relaxing in an unbelievable resort – the boat has passed its first test and is now getting a rest. Annie is somewhere in the air and someone will go get her when she lands about a half hour out.

Jen and William will meet us Friday afternoon about thirty miles farther south. Yes Jenny, we looked around and figured out that the radar showed us exactly where we were. We also found many other things too. You are right – Pops loves his toys.

And now I am going to go find some more of that spontaneous stuff – even though I am not scheduled.

0 Bitches:

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