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Posts for Tuesday, April 22, 2008 (item)

Dani Daily Update

Posted at 2:28 AM
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I am not sure how I will feel in 6 hours but after about 4 hours I don’t feel too bad – I get the first two hours and then Lisa will take the last two hours and we will be visiting our new school’s main campus about 3 hours away. We will never have any classes there but we want to meet our counselors and sponsors and editors for our theses.

Plus we can sign up four days early for our classes and get some cool college clothes like visors and hats and sweatshirts and pants and whatever knick knacks we find.
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Then we have to hurry back –Pops gets his test results at 3pm – Jen will take him but we want to be there if at all possible. Pops usually only remembers the last two or three things he is told so someone has to be there.

Annie and I had fun tonight – she is off for New York for a few days and no we will not be telling where she is staying.

Captain says tomorrow evening , Wed, and Thur might be good for a long trip down river if everyone feels up to it. As it turns out William and Jeni are going home to meet her parents.

William is scared to death. Jen’s parents are cool – I have talked to them a few times but I am not sure how they will take William.

So it may only be Lisa, I, Pops and Captain. Captain says it will be hard to keep a 24-hour watch going and Pops told him he would take the over night shift as long as he can sleep during the day.

Captain said he might have a couple of friends that will make the trip. Why do we have to watch 24 hours a day – don’t they have rest areas like they do on the Interstates? Guess I’ll find out.

Have fun in case we are gone for a few days.

0 Bitches:

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