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Posts for Saturday, April 12, 2008 (item)

Annie and Dani’s Daily Update

Posted at 2:52 AM
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We were showing BBs some of the news and we saw Jeni’s post. We also decided to add a Diary Entry.

Today Dani got her first boat or ship or yacht depending upon what you want to call it. My Dad told me it was Pops fishing boat and Mom told me it was our third home.
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It turns out Pops ordered this boat a year ago. We girls had asked for a boat to use on the river for years but Pops just did not trust the other vessels on the rivers. One day Dani wondered how much a bigger boat would cost. That got Pops thinking and when mom ruined a pair of slacks taking a ride with Cheese on his working tugboat we guess Pops decided to solve the problem.

He designed the floor plan and our Golden Boy had personally made all the cabinet frames and faces. Cheese said he was the number one expert for hundreds of miles when it came to wood working for ships.

But his career had been with Cheese as Captain of Cheese’s big tug – the one that carried large amounts of gas, oil, diesel, and other highly flammable material. Cheese said he had worked for the company for 43 years, almost his entire life and had stayed on when Cheese bought them out 20 years ago.

He retired after another barge operated by a 25 year old who had just passed all his tests side swiped him while he was moving enough natural gas up river to supply a medium sized town all winter. He said there were too many idiots on the river. Cheese said in his old days Captain would have swam to the kid’s tug, kicked his ass and threw him off the river and solved the problem. But they can not do that anymore.

Captain had trained his replacement for ten years so it was easy for him to quit. He started working part time for a tug builder and was so good he moved on to a custom cabinet shop where he has worked the last 10 years. His wife dies of natural causes not too long ago.

He told us Captain really appreciated how we girls had treated him in his hour of need. He even asked us what we did and Annie said we just helped him.

Pops had spent a lot of time on the design phase and Golden Boy once made a suggestion that Pops thought was genius material. Pops helped him patent it. The became good friends. When the boats delivery date was set Pops asked Cheese for recommendations for a captain that could teach him how to pilot the ship.

Pops was going to hire Cheese but he told Pops about Captain. Besides Cheese wanted to retire and did not like the idea of a two or three week trip. Pops talked to Golden Boy and he told pops he would teach him as much as he could and as long as he had good looking women to look at in bathing suits he’d go along on the long trips until pops or someone else had gained enough skill. He figured it might take as little as a year or possibly 2 years if they wanted to sail hazardous waters or hit the open ocean.

Pops made him an offer and Golden Chef Boy became our captain and pops put him in charge of the galley after eating some of his left over soup.

So Dani and I got many of our questions answered.

We are so happy for Jeni – William is a good man and she seems totally happy. Pops said the ring on her finger would probably pay for the boat and its house.

BBs is clueless – I feel bad for her but my mother has been talking to her. She knew that her parents were nudist – had known for a long time but she did not know she had shared dicks with her. It took my mother a while to figure that out and then she realized what it meant for me.

She has not said anything yet but I know she will.

It is almost three – I had a short nap this morning. I have not seen my date for a couple of hours – I hope he has not crashed in my bed. The party is still going strong. William is playing poker and Jeni pulled a chair up behind him and fell asleep – she looks comfortable but the way she is leaning she might as well be naked. Pops, who is sitting across the table had him move to one side so he can get a better look. William asked Dani if he should cover her up or wake her up. Dani said she thought they were getting married. But did he not like looking? So he did not get an answer but we can report he did try to pull her skirt down but she shifted and showed even more.

Poor guy – I feel it’s her problem but Dani thinks he should protect her reputation. I pointed out that if we were in public he would never let her be seen like this but many of the guys that were looking had fucked her and besides normally she would be nude and we wondered why we weren’t . BBs. She is still not sure what is going on. So everyone stayed clothed. Tomorrow will be a different story.

So we have answers to almost all our questions. Dani is a proud ship owner and my name is on it too. What a rush. Happy birthday to everyone that shares our month. I love birthdays.

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